District Applications Network Files Store, Edit and Create Files Learning & Teaching Resources AISD Apps Store Collaboration Tools Web 2.0 Tools Professional Development Training Videos Video Conferencing Electronic Textbooks Gmail to 6-12 students Goto myPC Goto myLab Google Apps Microsoft Office Web Free Storage Single Sign On Smart User Aware myApps Dashboard It is about mobility. Start The Cloud…
AISD Performance Management New function under the Chief Performance Officer Cross-functional team integrates strategic planning and monitoring with Accountability, Technology, Finance, etc. Team develops tools and systems to: Monitor the implementation of the strategic plan Monitor program/departmental effectiveness Performance Management Framework highlights 3 levels of decision-making: Strategic - executive level Tactical - campus and department leader Operational - classroom
AISD Performance Management in Framework Strategic Level Location Decision- making Level Performance Management Objective Major ToolsPrimary Users Performance Management Output Central Office Strategic Monitoring to inform: long-term planning budgeting policy development Strategic Plan Monitoring Tools Strategic Plan Scorecard Performance Management Dashboards Board of Trustees Superintendent Chief Officers Associate Superintendents District Improvement Plan Revisions to the Strategic Plan
Performance Management Dashboards What is the long-term objective? Who will use Version 1.0? Increase transparency Facilitate real-time monitoring of strategic objectives Enhance community partnerships Strategic-level decision makers Board of Trustees Superintendent Senior Cabinet Associate Superintendents