Special Diabetes Program for Indians Diabetes Prevention and Healthy Heart Demonstration Projects Year 4, Meeting 2 Continuation Application for Program Year 5 Kelly Acton, Lorraine Valdez, Tammy Brown, Gordon Quam and Bonnie Bowekaty IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment & Prevention
Continuation Application for Program Year 5 Early July – continuation application will be finalized GMO will send out continuation letters to grantees (?) DGP (Michelle Bulls) will place Demo Project/Community Directed application on One Funding Opportunity # application available via Deadline: July 30 th for submission of grant application August 1 – 31: DGO & DDTP review applications Sept 2 – deadline for GMO to obligate grant funds (NGA)
Continuation Application for Program Year 5 Continuation Application Package New budget period is Sept 30, 2008 – Sept 29, 2009 Due date is July 30, 2008 via Deadline for GMO to obligate hours is Sept 2, 2008
Continuation Application for Program Year 5 Continuation Application Package Required Forms SF 424 – Application for Federal Assistance SF 424A – Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs SF 424B – Assurances for Non-Construction Programs Project Narrative Attachment Interim Progress Report on Sept 30, 2007 through Sept 29, 2008 Work Plan for new budget period Sept 30, 2008 through Sept 29, 2009 Budget Narrative Attachment
Continuation Application for Program Year 5 Project Narrative Attachment Interim Progress Report on 9/30/07 – 9/29/08 Work Plan for new budget period from 9/30/08 – 9/29/09 Budget Narrative Attachment
Interim Progress Report: 9/30/07 – 9/29/08 Summary of the program’s progress to date Based on the goals and objectives of your current work plan 1. Hiring/staffing and Key Personnel – describe current staff, positions to be filled, challenges; problem solving; strengths & weaknesses; contact info for Proj Dir & Proj Coord plus CV for Proj Dir 2. Recruitment and Screening Activities – describe & summarize activities 3. Consent/Enrollment Process – describe process, challenges, problem solving; # consents; strengths & weaknesses 4. Baseline Assessments - describe how program completing these; successes & challenges
Interim Progress Report 5. Intensive Activities HH - Case management/HGHH education DPP – DPP Curriculum/Lifestyle Coaching describe activities so far; start dates and # participants who started and completed; adaptations/modifications; successes/challenges; strengths/weaknesses 6. Retention Issues describe successes/challenges; special efforts; problem solving; strengths/weaknesses 7. Data Submission Process describe experience with registry, baseline assessment, other required forms; data errors & notifications/corrections; strengths/weaknesses
Interim Progress Report 8. Community Based Activities describe & provide evaluation of these activities, # participants; problem solving; strengths/weaknesses 9. Budget program expenses not anticipated? is program funding adequate for planned activities? list problems/challenges with budget list problems/challenges with grants management 10. Coordinating Center most helpful role/activities describe one issue you would have liked more help top 3 things CC can do to be most helpful this coming year
Continuation Application for Program Year 5 Project Narrative Attachment Interim Progress Report on – Work Plan for new budget period from – Budget Narrative Attachment
Work Plan for new budget period 9/30/08 – 9/29/09 1) Ensure adequate staffing plan for the project Intensive activities will continue with a transition to a less intensive baseline assessment in Year 5. Both intensive activities and evaluation activities continue in Year 5, the application should describe plans for staffing to complete this scope of work. Programs may not need to change staffing plan much from Year 4. Transition from current baseline forms to new baseline minimum dataset forms occurs in Year 5, intensive activities continue with same amount of funding data collection continues on all participants with old and new forms as directed.
Work Plan for new budget period 9/30/08 – 9/29/09 2) Recruit and Screen enough individuals to meet target of participants each year (DP – 48/year; HH -50/year) Recruitment and Screening continues with purpose of meeting target goal each year. Since programs get the same amount of funding in Year 5, and the only thing that changes is a reduction in the level of intensity of baseline data collection, target goals will remain the same in Year 5.
Work Plan for new budget period 9/30/08 – 9/29/09 3) Complete Baseline Assessments in all participants each year Programs will transition during Year 5 from the current baseline assessment forms (B1, B2, B3) to a new “minimum dataset” data collection form to reduce the intensity of the evaluation and grant program data collection burden. Grant programs must describe how they will develop a process for the transition and train staff on the new forms. The Coordinating Center will provide training on the new forms in a format and timing to be determined. Transition from current baseline assessment to new minimum dataset form at 6/30/09 for all programs. The evaluation for any new participants after that point will be the baseline minimum dataset form. B1, B2 and B3 forms will no longer be used.
Work Plan for new budget period 9/30/08 – 9/29/09 4) Successfully maintain the Intensive Activities Programs will continue to conduct the Intensive activities throughout Year 5. The only difference will be in the transition to a less intensive baseline assessment. Grant programs must describe their plan to maintain Intensive Activities through the transition in Year 5. No change in Intensive Activities.
Work Plan for new budget period 9/30/08 – 9/29/09 5) Successfully retain participants in the Intensive Activities Programs will continue to conduct activities to retain participants in the program. Programs should describe their plans for retention activities. Retention activities will continue as is until 6/30/09 and then will focus mostly on ensuring that all participants continue at least through a 1st annual assessment.
Work Plan for 9/30/08 – 9/29/09 6) Successfully conduct the Follow-up and Annual Assessments Continue to conduct follow-up and annual assessments on all participants in the program. In Year 5, a new minimum dataset follow-up and annual form will be introduced and replace all follow-up and annual assessment forms for all new participants after the transition. Programs should describe the process for how they will continue to conduct follow-up (DP) and annual assessments (DP/HH). All participants that complete the current Baseline Assessment forms up until 6/30/09 will continue to be followed for at least one more year with the current Follow-up and Annual Assessments. After the transition to the baseline minimum dataset forms, new minimum follow-up and annual forms will be used. It is possible that the baseline minimum dataset form will be designed to be re-used at follow-up and annual assessments. Further instructions in Year 5.
Work Plan for 9/30/08 – 9/29/09 7) Successfully submit required data to the Coordinating Center Continue to participate in the evaluation of the program Submit data collection forms to the Coordinating Center as instructed. Transition to a less intensive data collection process will occur in Year 5. Reduce number of forms & amount of data collected to a minimum amount of data collected for IHS while funding continues for this project. Transition plan will be disseminated to grantees ASAP. Programs should describe their process for the transition to a less intensive evaluation and different data collection forms. Staff involved in data collection will need to continue in Year 5 during this transition. A list of forms that will change or be reduced will be provided.
Work Plan for new budget period 9/30/08 – 9/29/09 8) Provide and evaluate Community Based Activities Programs should continue to evaluate their community based activities and report on them in the next year’s continuation application. Evaluation of community based activities will continue to be required for annual continuation applications.
Work Plan for new budget period 9/30/08 – 9/29/09 9) Implement your activities using a timeline Programs should develop a one-page timeline for their activities each year. Include any changes in timeline activities as of 6/30/09 and transition to less intensive evaluation.
Work Plan for new budget period 9/30/08 – 9/29/09 10) Financial Management – describe process for budget planning and obtaining budget information from your finance department or other financial entity. Continue to work closely with your financial department and monitor grant expenditures closely.
Work Plan for new budget period 9/30/08 – 9/29/09 11) Assessment Tool ?????? Programs complete an additional questionnaire to provide additional information for DDTP and the evaluation
Continuation Application for Program Year 5 Project Narrative Attachment Interim Progress Report on – Work Plan for new budget period from – Budget Narrative Attachment
Continuation Application for Program Year 5 Budget Narrative Attachment Programs must include in their budgets funding for at least two grantee meetings in Year 5 and enough staff to successfully complete this scope of work and the transition to a less intensive evaluation/data collection process. Intensive activities continue, target goals are the same, and data collection continues so budget should not change much. Meetings include fall/winter harvest meeting and March 2009 meeting. The training for the transition to the new minimum dataset can happen at the March 2009 meeting for everyone at the same time.
Continuation Application for Program Year 5 Budget Narrative Attachment Provides supporting information for the SF 424A – Budget Information/Non-construction Programs Personnel Fringe Benefits Travel Equipment Supplies Contracts/Consultants Construction – not applicable Other – incentives, internet access, medications, lab tests, misc
Continuation Application for Program Year 5 End of Year Reporting and Audits Final Progress Report on the Current Budget Period 90 days after budget period ends Financial Status Report SF 269 90 days after budget period ends Organization’s Annual Financial Audit Report 9 months after the end of the annual audit period
Continuation Application for Program Year 5 Don’t Panic! You’ve done this before! The Coordinating Center is here to help! The DDTP is here to help! Keep asking your questions and let us know your concerns! the end
The Special Diabetes Program for Indians: On the Path to a Diabetes-free Future IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment & Prevention 5300 Homestead Road NE Albuquerque, NM