21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks Air Alpes Méditerranée : AIRES SYSTEM Air Pays de la Loire ASPA Atmo-Auvergne Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks Air Alpes Méditerranée, Air Pays de la Loire, ASPA, Atmo-Auvergne, IPSL/LISA, ACRI-ST
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks The system development is half-funded by AAM and the other half by ACRI Collaborations : IPSL/LISA Links : NCAR, which developed MM5 model NCEP, which distribute GFS products INERIS, which distribute PREV’AIR outputs
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks System description Emission-dispersion modelling Platform for operational production of temporal and spatial distribution of primary and secondary pollutants Main characteristics –Independent from the meteorological and dispersion software –Scenario and forecast platform –MM5 and CHIMERE user interface
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks Windows Machine # 1 Scenario mode Machine # 2 Linux Forecast mode Computations FTP -Meteo : NCEP, MEL, ARPEGE -Photochemistry : Chimere Continental Scheduler Machine Interface Input data Processing control Post-processing Archive (temporary) System Architecture Inputs Emission inventory Post-processing WEB pages generation archive Meteo & photochemistry outputs Outputs + meteo & chemistry parameters
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks System architecture Computer 1 mono-processor PC Windows NT Input process (User interface developped in JAVA) Input data download Processing control (scheduler) Temporary archive Post processing (2D map generation, GIS export and web publication) 2 bi-processor PC, Linux (use of the MPP version of MM5, internal domains of CHIMERE run in parallel) 1 PC for forecast 1 PC for scenario
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks System flexibility Based on standard formats => new models could be integrated very simply –GRIB for meteorological inputs –NETCDF conversion for model outputs –SHAPEFILE for GIS Based on self describing user interface
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks AIR ALPES MEDITERRANEE, AIRES since June 2004 at ACRI AIR PAYS DE LA LOIRE operated during summer 2004 ASPA since December 2004 Operational platforms
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks AIR ALPES MEDITERRANEE : AIRES SYSTEM – ESCOMPTE emission inventory (IOPs 2001 emissions used last summer completed with EMEP). Actualised in the next few days with the new 3km PACA inventory. – Calibration phase with LMD during June 2004 – Validation by : Participating to the ESCOMPTE modelling exercise Evaluating Summer 2004 results Main features
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks AIR ALPES MEDITERRANEE, AIRES
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks Escompte modelling exercise configuration (sensitivity tests) : – Continental CHIMERE run for boundary conditions/PREVAIR – MM5 forced by NOGAPS data (FNMOC)/GFS – Adaptation of the MM5 terrain processor to CORINE LAND COVER/USGS and CRIGE data/GTOPO30 – EMEP integration INERIS routine adapted to CORINE LAND COVER data : more precise on regional scale (industries, urban areas…)/GLCC – Plume elevation treated for punctual emissions (CALGRID formulation)/chimney height AIR ALPES MEDITERRANEE, AIRES
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks AIR ALPES MEDITERRANEE, AIRES Ozone concentrations highly dependent on dynamics : – Example : system configuration comparisons LISA/ACRI during Escompte modelling exercise (ECMWF/NOGAPS). Importance of local emission inventory for regional purposes (comparisons between EMEP/local inventory) For IOP1, extension (to the East and to the North) of the 9km resolution domain for boundary conditions
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks ASPA INTERREG III project framework Extension of the previous forecast system to Oberrhein region –High resolution meteo forecast –Extension of the CHIMERE domain –New emission inventory
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks ASPA Validation in collaboration with EPFL –2 test-cases corresponding to INTERREG III measurement campaign (june 2003) –2 test-cases during the generalised IOPs of august 2003 For model parameterisation For estimation of transboundary ozone versus local ozone production
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks ASPA
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks AIR PAYS DE LA LOIRE : – Emission inventory using AIREMIS outputs (developed in the SAMAA modelling system) from the APL august 2003 ozone simulations. – The Pays de la Loire emission inventory completed by EMEP emissions – Validation by : Evaluating Summer 2004 results : performed by APL and analysed by ACRI-ST Air Pays de la Loire/Atmo Auvergne
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks Air Pays de la Loire
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks Near Future AAM, AIRES : analysis of Summer 2004 results, escompte modelling exercise results ASPA : optimisation of MM5, CHIMERE based on test-cases APL : – Development of the operational emission module – Emission inventory completion – optimisation of MM5/CHIMERE ATMO-AUVERGNE : modelling system setting-up in Auvergne FUTURE WORK
21 mars 2005 Development of an air quality forecast system for air quality survey networks Aerosol version implementation (200501G) Comparisons with aerosols AOT from MERIS (framework of PROMOTE) FUTURE WORK