Problem Solving “The limits to learning is mostly self-imposed” Colin Rose
Definition and Purpose Problem is task or activity that engages students in making sense of the key ideas which are being taught. It begins where the teacher is rather than where the children are. Teach-then-solve paradigm (problem solving is separated from the learning process) MATHEMATICAL IDEAS ARE OUTCOMES OF THE RPOBLEM SOLVING EXPERIENCE, RATHER THAN ELEMENTS THAT MUST BE TAUGHT BEFORE PROBLEM SOLVİNG.
Purpose of PS Developing mathematical power Developing conscious monitoring and regulation of thought Developing the belief of capability of doing math.
A Three-Part Lesson Format
Designing and Selecting Effective Tasks Avoid the “myth of coverage”: If we covered it, they must have learned it. IDENTFY THE TWO TO FOUR BIG IDEAS Activity Evaluation and Selection Guide How is the activity done? What is the purpose of the activity? Will the activity accomplish its purpose? What must you do?
Tips for PS Four Suggestions Predict! Don’t hope Be clear in your own about the purpose of the task or activity Recognize that there is much more to a problem than the answer Do not confuse open-ended problem solving with encouraging creativity
Developing PS Strategies Provide a model of problem analysis skills Label strategies (for hints and suggestions) Consider how the problem was solved