Project NExT Panel: Appropriate Uses of Technology Douglas B. Meade University of South Carolina January 7, 2005 Joint Math Meetings Atlanta, GA
Project NExt Panel2005 Joint Math Meetings (Atlanta)2 Goals and Objectives To improve: understanding of mathematical concepts ability to apply mathematics educational experience
Project NExt Panel2005 Joint Math Meetings (Atlanta)3 Obstacles to Effective Learning Too much material Lack of depth Lack of choice Assessment pressures In fact: Technology is not a guaranteed solution Adding technology can increase problem
Project NExt Panel2005 Joint Math Meetings (Atlanta)4 Features of Effective Learning Interaction with material Solid knowledge base Engaging material Connecting activity and abstract concepts Keys to Success: Creating interactive lessons Generating and maintaining faculty interest
Project NExt Panel2005 Joint Math Meetings (Atlanta)5 Calculus at USC Weekly computer labs designed to: Have students actively involved with the mathematics they are learning Expose students to modern computing environment (Maple) Develop communication skills via projects
Project NExt Panel2005 Joint Math Meetings (Atlanta)6 Maple Labs for Calculus Calculus I (Fall 2004) Calculus II (Spring 2005)
Project NExt Panel2005 Joint Math Meetings (Atlanta)7 Maplets for Calculus Calculus I w/Maple in Blackboard (Douglas Meade)Calculus I w/Maple in Blackboard FunctionPlotter FunctionPlotter EpsilonDelta EpsilonDelta Maplets for Calculus (Philip Yasskin / Douglas Meade)Maplets for Calculus Shift Shift DerivativeDrill DerivativeDrill Graph_df Graph_df
Project NExt Panel2005 Joint Math Meetings (Atlanta)8 Lab Projects Instructions & Grading RubricInstructions & Grading Rubric Calculus I Linear Fit to Tangent Line Linear Fit to Tangent Line Orthogonal Trajectories Orthogonal Trajectories Designer Functions Designer Functions Calculus II Special Functions Rearrangements of Series Area and Arclength in Polar Coordinates
Project NExt Panel2005 Joint Math Meetings (Atlanta)9 General URLs