Introduction Sadeghi Ramin, MD Nuclear Medicine Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
Introduction In the introduction we usually explain briefly the reason that we have performed the study Very important part It is the first part to be read by the reviewers
Introduction scheme Brief explaining of the subject and its importance Brief (if any) review of the relevant literature Why we performed this study The shortcomings of the previous studies The aim of the study.
First paragraph of the introduction We give the readers the main subject and topic of our study and its importance in the introduction.
The remaining of the introduction We should start with general aspects of the study and move to the special ones Inverted triangle Gradually explain the subject and previous studies in brief and their shortcomings
References Use the most recent studies not those available at the time of proposal preparation Use the articles by possible reviewers and the journal you want to submit your paper Do not use your articles (auto- referencing) too often
References Always search relevant articles by Iranian scientists. Cite them in your article Cite articles from Iranian journals We should support our fellow researchers and our own journals
The last paragraph It should contain the aim of the study.
Some tips Do not make the introduction too long At most two pages or 1/6 of the manuscript Always mention the aim of the study Do not mention irrelevant articles Do not mention the results
Some tips Do not use “I”. Usually the tense of the verbs is present Do not use too much abbreviations