Papers are due on the last day of class – no extensions Read guidelines in the SyllabusSyllabus Your paper should provide the comparative background, theoretical basis and plan/hypothesis/questions for on-site research Use Power Point – bring to class on a CD
Presentation Schedule (also can be found on Blackboard)
Cross-Cultural Preparation What to expect From Locals stared at treated extra nicely treated particularly rudely envy? anger? curiosity? From Yourself frustrated when can’t communicate overwhelmed
WARNING Cross-cultural travel and living is a challenge to the SELF - you are taking a risk. You may end up not being so sure anymore of who you are. You may begin to question everything.
How to Prepare Yourself Try to imagine your setting and situations trash lack of clean facilities poverty house structure Become Self-Aware
Become Self Aware How will you feel? How do you think people will see you? What role, place, identity do you think you will occupy there? What are the relationships, hierarchies which we may encounter? Can you accept the host culture for what it is? Are we there to change it? Show them a better way? Are you defensive about your own identity? What personal baggage are you bringing? What identity do you occupy within your Drew community and home world? Will it be difficult to occupy a different one in Ecuador?
What do we expect and hope for? question your assumptions about the good life, progress, etc... learn about Ecuadorians and yourself - become self- critical, more self-reflective ask questions when we have speakers or guests communicate with one another and WATCH out for one another communicate with us - if need a rap session say so have a good time but be serious and work hard
What to write? How often? Why? -Record and Reflect -Daily questions to help you organize -What was the most significant experience today? -Any particular frustrations today?
Typical Bamboo House
Personal Cash Think of being at Drew - what would you need $$$ for? -extra beverages, snacks, cold water, airport waiting times -phone and internet (~25 cents/minute) -”wellies” - boots ($5.00) -gifts and souvenirs -laundry (~3 times, $5-10/each time) -personal toiletries -illness (clinic tests, stomach upset pills) ~$ overlimit baggage cost for domestic flight. $1.00/lb over 44lbs (weigh your bags at home and calculate)
Idea for Project Photo Gallery
FUN SITES TO CHECK OUT Cool Animals we might see Ecuador Arts and Crafts
» Altitude sickness » Rescue breathing » Pressure for cuts » Dog Bites - soap, Hydrogen Peroxide or Alcohol immediately » Snake Bites Snake Bites » Punctures (leave object in) » STAY HYDRATED! Keep your water bottle filled and drink.
Video tour of Ecuadorian coastal house (Prof. Masucci’s) Douglas Southgate discussion digitized Trip Itinerary with links