From Jainism to Tolstoy Early Christianity Who was Tolstoy? Tolstoy and Christian teachings Some of Tolstoy’s books where his philosophy is presented: The Prisoner of the Mountains Renunciation of war and institutionalized violence Nonviolence and non resistance Anarchism
Martin Luther King and Militant Non-violence King’s five principle points in the commitment to nonviolence Willingness to suffer Nonviolence requires courage and discipline Nonviolence seeks friendship and reconciliation Nonviolence fights against the evil not the opponents Nonviolence must be both physical and moral Faith in social justice and the future
Gene Sharp and pragmatic non- violence Non-violence and social defense as a strategy Characteristics of non-violent action Non-violence is an action and it involves: Acts of omission Acts of commission A combination of the above Using people’s power to reach political goals.
Social defense Disarmament and peace movements Does disarmament makes sense? An alternative policy: social defense Def: non-violent communal defense to external aggression A: No regime can survive with legitimacy and passive support Components of social defense: Symbolic actions: Slogans, demonstrations, wearing insignia of the opposition Noncooperation: boycotts, refusal to pay taxes, sit-ins Intervention and alternative institutions: Sabotage, establish alternative institutions Social defense: confrontation with cooperative solutions
Gandhi: the step to Direct Action Pragmatic-principled dimension Reformist-revolutionary dimension Outline of Gandhi’s theory: Personal non-violence as a way of life Create a new society Nonviolent resistance to direct and structural violence Conception of society: negation of both capitalism and marxism: decentralized network of self-reliant and self-governing communities Liberation and restructure of Indian life
Gandhi’s constructive program Campaign for communal unity Centrality of individual and satisfaction of needs Non-violent individual: the foundation of the transformed society The role of industrialization on the crisis of civilization Violence impedes self-realization and integrity
Conflict and non-violence in the Gandhian framework Emphasis on structures: conflict is necessary and good to change violent structures Management of conflict Gandhi’s conflict resolution: satyagraha (a relentless search for truth) Goal is a social transformation where relations are positive-sum rather than zero- sum Satyagraha and pragmatic non-violence being compatible