F ALL 2009 A DMISSIONS Requirements Complete all A-G courses with at least a “C” or better Achieve at least a minimum eligibility index of 2900 (Local Area) Submit an application as early as possible between Oct 1 st - Nov 30 th Take SAT or ACT by December of Senior year Complete the ELM / EPT by May 2, 2009, if not exempt by EAP Impaction Campus-wide Impaction for First-time Freshman Recommend 3200 index for students outside the local area The EL-BSN is an impacted program Admission to the University as a pre-nursing student does not guarantee admission to the EL-BSN nursing major. 2
3 Freshman Statistics Total Class Enrollment: 4,154 60% Female, 40% Male Average GPA: 3.18 Average SAT: 978 Math: 499 Verbal: 480 Total Applications Received: 49, 681 Total Admitted: 24,159 (49%) Majors Most Often Declared Business Administration Psychology Liberal Arts Child Adolescent Studies Art University Enrollment by Ethnicity F IRST - TIME F RESHMAN S TATISTICS -F ALL 2007
G ENERAL E STIMATED C OST OF A TTENDANCE Fees At Home On CampusOff-Campus State University Fee$3,342 Additional Cost (Books, Meals, Housing, Transportation, Miscellaneous) $8,128$12,076$13,846 Total$11,470$15,418$17,788 E STIMATED C OST - P ER S EMESTER > 6 Units (Full Time)< 6 Units (Part Time) State University Fees$1,869$1,109 Parking$145 Books (Estimated Cost )$ $ Total$2,300-$2,500$ $1650
A CADEMICS College of the Arts The College of the Arts is among the top 16 highly recommended programs in the nation. COTA students receive top awards and recognition in annual competitions and festivals such as ImagiNations, Microsoft Imagine Cup, Key Art, VASTA, American College Dance and International Music Scholar Laureate Program. College of Health & Human Development Prepares for careers in areas of broad human concern Child and Adolescent Studies Health Science Counseling and Social Work Human Services Kinesiology, Sports and Exercise Nursing College of Engineering & Computer Science Work on real world research projects with faculty members and industry professionals such as Dr. Mohinder Grewal who has been named one of the 50 Leaders to watch in Global Positioning Systems (GPS) research. College of Business & Economics Mihaylo College is the largest accredited business school in California and the 4 th largest in the United States. It is listed in Princeton Review’s Best 290 Business Schools.
A CADEMICS College of Education The College of Education at CSUF provides the only university teacher preparation program in Orange County that is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics Emphasis on instruction and student involvement in research such as the Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary, a 12 acre nature preserve providing hands-on research opportunities. College of Humanities & Social Sciences Focus on education, research, public service and professional development The Psychology Department is home to Nancy Segal one of the recognized contributors in twins research. College of Communications Our College of Communications is the largest in the western United States and fourth largest in the nation.
N EW D EVELOPMENTS Mihaylo Hall Student Rec Center 2008 The CSUF Student Recreation Center is a comprehensive facility and program designed to serve fitness, recreation, education, of the Cal State Fullerton campus community. *Indoor Track *Rock Climbing Wall * Outdoor Pool…. & More Going Green Effective Water Use Energy Conservation Design Decisions The Mihaylo College of Business and Economics has been included in the 2008 edition of Princeton Review's "Best 290 Business Schools." 7
H OUSING On-campus housing accommodates 836 students. Students do not have to be admitted to the University to submit a Housing Application. Housing application and off-campus housing referrals are available online. The residence hall complex consists of apartment style suites and a community center. Single occupancy: $6,898 Double occupancy: $5,167 Apply as early as possible beginning October 1 st at C ONTACT I NFO : Phone: (714) Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm Location: Cobb Residence Halls Single occupancy Double occupancy 8
W HY C AL S TATE F ULLERTON ? Campus Community 29 Greek, Cultural, and Local Fraternities and Sororities 250+ clubs and organizations and numerous student development opportunities including Student Leadership Institute, Volunteer and Service Center, and Associated Students Abundant Resources with a Small Campus Feel | Student faculty ratio 23:1 Internship Opportunities The Internship & Job Fair Over 250 companies & Interviews on campus The Internship Event Specifically for internships Excellent for majors with a required internship Industry Partners Disney Partners One of only 18 institutions worldwide & the only public institution of higher education to be chosen Opportunity to work closely with a prominent company in a real world setting 9
F INANCIAL R ESOURCES Financial Aid: CSUF Aid awarded in 2006/2007: $117.6 Million Average award: $7,870 Percent of CSUF students that receive financial aid: 42% ( ) Special Scholarships: Honors and Scholars Guardian Scholars McNair Scholars Program Future Scholars Program President’s Scholars Program Music Department Scholarships Army ROTC For more information, please visit 10
T ITAN A THLETICS : NCAA D IVISION I Baseball (1979, 1984, 1995, 2004) Basketball (“Big West” – 2008) Cross-Country Gymnastics (1979) Soccer Softball Tennis Track & Field Volleyball Wrestling 11
University Outreach Early Assessment Program Transfer Services – Admissions Campus Tours Disabled Student Services Financial Aid – Housing – Important Dates and Deadlines October 1 – November 30th: Apply for admission January 14: SAT/ACT scores must be received March 2: Financial Aid application due April 25, 2009: Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day May 2: Last day to take ELM/EPT placement exams May 9: Last day to register for mandatory New Student Orientation July 11: Final official high school transcript must be received Contact Information Q UESTIONS ? 12