P lanning for Children & Birth Control Elisa H. McNeill, M.S. Lecturer Dept. Health Education Texas A&M University.


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Presentation transcript:

P lanning for Children & Birth Control Elisa H. McNeill, M.S. Lecturer Dept. Health Education Texas A&M University

Chapter Highlights Questions to consider when deciding whether to have children. Determining how when and how many children to have. Methods of prevention  Birth control  Sterilization  Contraceptive choice

Calvin & Hobbs

To Have or Not to Have Children? TO HAVE  Experience/pleasure  Heritage  Status  Competence  Personal responsibility  Moral worth NOT TO HAVE  Time  Freedom  Other children  Difficulty  Fear of Failure/Danger  Irrevocable decision  Strain on resources Financial Environmental Overpopulation

When to have children? How might parenting at a particular time in one’s life effect: partners relationship? educational goals? future goals?

How many children to have?

# of Children AdvantagesDisadvantages 1 Individual attention helps develop intellectual and social skills Limited companionship Negative stereotypes 2 Enriches the family relationship May feel like more complete family structure Competition among siblings 3 Increases chance of having both male and female children Creates a middle child (tough position) 4+ Greater opportunity for interaction Values cooperation and sharing Limited amount of personal attention Decreased parental attention Decreased financial resources

Methods of Pregnancy Prevention Methods of pregnancy prevention are divided into six key areas  Continuous Abstinence  Hormonal  Barriers  Natural Family Planning  Sterilization  Emergency contraception

Hormonal Methods The “Pill” “Mini-pill” NuvaRing Ortho Erva (trans-dermal patch Injections  Depo-Provera  Lunnelle Implants  Norplant  Jadelle

Hormonal Methods This site allows you to feel the flexibility of the NuvaRing™ ={19F63EF EDF-BFDB-33B49A6140EE}&SID= ={19F63EF EDF-BFDB-33B49A6140EE}&SID=

Barrier Methods Cervical cap Female condom Male condom

Sterilization Methods Non-surgical Sterilization  Essure™-permanent birth control system Female Sterilizaton  Tubal Ligation Male Sterilization  Vasectomy

Natural Family Planning Basal Body Temperature Method Cervical Mucus Method Calendar Method Post Ovulation Method Combined Sumpto-Thermal Method

Emergency Contraception Morning After Pill Copper T IUD

Non-methods of pregnancy prevention Coitus interruptus (withdrawl) Douching

Which contraceptive method is right for your and your partner? 1.I like sexual spontaneity and do not want to be bothered with contraception at the time of sexual intercourse? 2.I need a contraceptive immediately. 3.It is very important that I do not become pregnant now. 4.I want a contraceptive method that will protect me and my partner against sexually transmitted infections. 5.I prefer a contraceptive method that requires the cooperation and involvement of both partners. 6.I have sexual intercourse frequently. 7.I have sexual intercourse infrequently. I am forgetful or have a variable daily routine.

Which contraceptive method is right for your and your partner? 8.I am forgetful or have a variable daily routine. 9.I.have more than one sexual partner. 10.I have heavy periods with cramps. 11.I prefer a method that requires little or no action or bother on my part. 12.I am a nursing mother 13.I want the option of conceiving immediately after discontinuing contraception. 14.I want a contraceptive method with few or no side effects.

Which contraceptive method is right for your and your partner? 1,3,6,10,11……………....Oral Contraceptives 1,3,6,8,10,11…………….Jadelle 1,3,6,8,10,11,12…………Deop-Provera ™, Lunnelle ™ or NuvaRing ™ 1,3,6,8,11,12,13…………IUD or IUS 2,4,5,7,8,9,12,13,14……...Condoms (♀& ♂) 5,7,12,13,14……………..Diaphragm or Spermicide 5,7,12,13,14……………..Cervical Cap 2,5,7,8,12,13,14…………Vaginal Spermicides or Sponge(when available) 5,7,13,14………………...Natural Family Planning