Gender Diversity Consulting Best Practices 2006 for gender transition on the job See the last slide for contact information. -- Right click to stop presentation – -- Use menu “Back” button to return to website – -- Use “page down” button to move to the next slide -- GDCGDC Transgender HR Blog Transgender HR Blog HR Professionals - Click here to learn more about transgender on-the-job issues
What Do You Do… …when an employee transitions from one gender to another? How will co-workers respond? Is this a matter for Legal, HR, or EAP? What do you say if customers complain? Is termination on this basis legal?
Definition: “Gender Transition” Transition from male to female, or from female to male Those who transition feel strongly and persistently that their “gender identity” is different from sex at birth Generally takes 1-5 years Requires assistance of medical professionals GDCGDC
What You Need A read on your organizational culture to determine what will work best A procedure that deals effectively with the 5 policy issues A training system that will give diversity managers the tools they need to address all aspects
What I Provide Organizational culture research through interviews of key players Clear grasp of policy design used by diversity leaders A training system for procedures, policy issues, and the hard questions POLICY DESIGN TRAINING SYSTEM ORG CULTURE GDCGDC
Policy Issues 1. Notification and mediation processes 2. Step-by-step guidelines for accountable units 3. Designation and training of HR gender transition leaders 4. Clear facilities usage criteria 5. Communication management GDCGDC
Issue: Managing Change Issue 1: How does the organization manage this? How will the organization be notified? How can managers avoid productivity disruption? How can the organization avoid EEO compliance issues? Solution: Notification and mediation processes - to avoid actions that would violate company policy or create legal compliance issues GDCGDC
Issue: Procedures Issue 2: What procedures should our department follow? HR: Are we supposed to change company records? Managers: What do we say if co-workers complain? Media contacts: What do we say if contacted by the press? Solution: Step-by-step guidelines for accountable units - to make procedures clear and manageable GDCGDC
Issue: Who’s In Charge? Issue 3: Who makes which decisions about what issues? Who decides which bathrooms to use? Who arranges for ID changes? Who deals with medical leave issues? Solution: Designation of HR gender transition leaders - to provide culturally competent, policy-driven leadership GDCGDC
Issue: Facilities Usage Issue 4: How to decide what facilities to use? Who makes decisions about usage of bathrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms? What criteria should they use? What are the rights of co-workers? Solution: Clear facilities usage criteria - to spell out specific policy for access, but flexible enough to address varied situations GDCGDC
Issue: Co-Workers and Others Issue 5: How should this be communicated to co-workers, suppliers and clients? Should a department-wide meeting be held? How should religious objections be handled? What do we say to customers and clients? Solution: Selective communication sessions with clear agenda - to manage expectations and organizational norms of behavior GDCGDC
For more answers, contact Gender Diversity Consulting Dr. Jillian T. Weiss School of Social Science 505 Ramapo Valley Road Mahwah, NJ (201) GDCGDC Transgender HR Blog Transgender HR Blog HR Professionals - Click here to learn more about transgender on-the-job issues