Update on the Teaching reforms and Learning and Development NOS Karon Nicod FE Sector Manager (England) Lifelong Learning UK
Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils ITTE Where are we now? By 2010, every teacher will be qualified or working towards an SVUK endorsed qualification All staff employed as teachers in the FE sector must be professionally registered and all new staff must also be licensed to practise by the Institute for Learning (IfL) – includes staff delivering learning for LSC contracts To be licensed, all teachers must be trained to a standard that allows them to achieve either Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) status or Associate Teacher Learning and Skills (ATLS) status, depending on their role - getting there but continuing need for promotion of above and advice
Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils New: General Professional Recognition Learning and Skills (England) Often referred to as GPRLS – for successful applicants provides recognition against the 2007 qualification regulations A process for experienced and competent teachers, tutors and trainers in the FE Sector who do not hold an acceptable teaching qualification but can demonstrate they meet the new professional standards: - GPRLS Skills for Life - GPRLS All areas of Learning - GPRLS B4 See for more detailswww.standardsverificationuk.org
Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Funding of teacher training Extract from LSC letter 15 th Sept 2008: In 2008/09, the new FE teaching qualifications will be funded through the Adult Learner Responsive funding model. Delivery of the new qualifications will contribute to a provider’s performance against their agreed adult learner responsive funding allocation
Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Diploma CPD Occupational Currency for Practitioners of Diplomas Free First 5 lines Diplomas 5 – 18 weeks online tuition from Sep 08 Canterbury Christ Church University
Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Learning and Development NOS Where are we now? Current Learning and Development qualifications expiry date extension Developments in QCF: - SSC wide consideration of NVQ qualifications as a brand - requirement to cut duplication Other suites of LLUK NOS – do we already have some coverage of NOS which can be added to for the Learning and Development NOS?
Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils A and V units LLUK has secured funding to credit rate the existing A and V units to enable QCF inclusion for 2010 Extension of A and V units therefore possible to ensure ‘no gap’ until the revised Learning and Development NOS available
Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils 2008 – 2010 Consultation: Timetable proposed January 09: Invitation to first consultation events March 09: Consultation events – on approach to the review April/May 09: Electronic consultation re review approach Sept/Oct 09: Consultation events to review draft NOS Jan/Feb ’10: Consultation on possible qualifications
Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Wide consultation Users of Learning and Development Standards Your representative bodies Other Sector Skills Councils Awarding Bodies
Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Keeping you informed Register your interest by contacting our project team: As consultations progress details will appear on our website: nos-consultation.htmhttp:// nos-consultation.htm
Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Learning and Development NOS
Part of the Skills for Business network of 25 employer-led Sector Skills Councils Advice LLUK offer a free information and advice service. You can visit or or call between 9am and 5.30pm Mon to Fri IfL offers help and advice to individual members and organisations. You can visit call , or