Presentation of Findings Writing Your Research
Review of Assignment 3 Components Background/ Introduction Problem Statement Literature Review Theoretical Framework Logical Structure Research Questions/ Objectives/ Hypotheses
Assignment 3 Cont’d Procedures Reliability and Validity Research Design Population and Sample Methodologies (Two) Data Collection Instruments Reliability and Validity
Importance of Presenting Results must be communicated- properly- or research is wasted. Rayward, past editor of Library Quarterly says there is “a serious professional and academic obligation to report what [we] discover… the contributions of dissertations and reports to professional knowledge is not complete until they are published as either articles or books.”
Proper Presentation Effective use of language (see Elements of Style, Strunk & White) includes: Proper Grammar and spelling (forget spellcheck) Three C’s: Clear, Concise, Coherent Active voice preferred Avoid personal pronouns (and overuse of the “the author”)
Central Arguments -Creswell Questions to frame your presentation: What do we need to better understand your topic? What do we know little about in terms of your topic? What do you propose to study? What has already been learned or reported in this area? What are the setting and the people that you will study?
Central Arguments -Adapted from Creswell What methods do you plan to use to provide data? How will you analyze the data? How will you validate your findings? Does your study present any ethical issues? Does your study present any special limitations? What is the practicability and value of the proposed study?
Four Considerations Content Structure Style Readership
Basic Considerations Audience Length Aim of Report Your intended audience (academics, employers, colleagues…) Outlets for publication and their general readership Length For publication, roughly 25 pages. Aim of Report Exploration, Description, Explanation? Clarify distinctions between findings (facts), statistical inferences, personal inferences, projections. Identify the computations, statistics, etc. that support conclusions.
Organization of Report Background/ Introduction Problem Statement Literature Review Research Questions Procedures (Research Design, Methodology) Findings Discussion Conclusion
General Guidelines Include all necessary information Full research design, methodology, analysis Be specific about how and why you draw the conclusions you do so readers can logically follow Acknowledge limitations Integrate supplementary information fully (tables, charts, figures)
General Guidelines Cont’d Develop an outline Allow for flexibility in developing ideas, especially with qualitative data. Data may need to be organized and reorganized. Ideas will be continually refined as patterns emerge Good writing is like good teaching: Tell them what you’re going to tell them; Tell them; Tell them what you told them.
Special Considerations for Publication Become familiar with publications Know their “typical” audience Know their “typical” article- style, topic, etc. Select appropriate outlets for your material Carefully review submission guidelines Be prepared to revise Most common complaint of editors is that authors seem unfamiliar with the journals to which they submit.
References Babbie, E. (2005). The basics of social research. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing. Gorman, G.E. & Clayton, P. (2005). Qualitative research for the information professional: A practical handbook. London: Facet Publishing.