CSE 300: Software Reliability Engineering Topics covered: Software metrics and software reliability
What can be measured? Predicted quality attributes:
Static complexity metrics Measurements on: Obtained earlier in the life cycle
Halstead’s software science metrics Primitive metrics: Composite, non primitive metrics:
Halstead’s software science metrics (contd..) Discussion:
McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity metric
Principal Components Analysis Transforms a number of possibly correlated variables into a smaller number of uncorrelated variables called principal components First principal component accounts for as much variability in the data as possible. Each subsequent component accounts for as much remaining variability as possible. Principal components represent transformed scores on dimensions that are orthogonal Decomposition technique to detect and analyze relationships among variables Identify distinct sources of variation underlying the set of variables
Principal Components Analysis Application: Many metrics exist to measure the same artifact. Metrics are interrelated. Reduce the large set of correlated metrics to a small set of uncorrelated variables, which capture the same information. Investigate the structure of the underlying common factors or components that make up the raw metrics.
Steps in Principal Components Analysis Data: Software metrics data Step I: Organize the data in the form of n x m matrix, where n is the number of modules and m is the number of metrics.
Steps in Principal Components Analysis Subtract the mean from each one of the metrics observations
Steps in Principal Components Analysis Step III: Compute the covariance matrix. Covariance matrix will be m x m.
Steps in Principal Components Analysis Step IV: Compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues
Steps in Principal Component Analysis Step V: Choosing components and forming a feature vector.
Steps in Principal Component Analysis Step VI: Deriving the new data set:
Steps in Principal Component Analysis Step VII: Getting the old data back: