De-bunking Fad Diets Courtnie Shatwell, RD, LN Center for Health & Healing St. Vincent Healthcare Low Carb vs. Low Fat
THE LATEST & GREATEST WEIGHT- LOSS DIET - AGAIN The claims and truths of diet fads
Fact vs Fiction With so many fad diets out there its hard to distinguish between fact and fiction Today I would like to help you with this process by de-bunk some of the most popular fad diets Atkins South Beach The Zone
First Thing First What is “normal” metabolism? 3 sources of energy: Carbohydrates (CHO) 1 st & most efficient source of energy Brain, RBC, Kidney cells Fat 2 nd energy source Stored easier than CHO Protein (PRO) Reserve energy source
The Role of Insulin What does insulin do? It is the key which allows glucose into the cells to be used for energy It is used to help store fat So, does insulin make us fat? No In order to store fat you must eat more calories than you need
The Atkins Diet What is it? Initial phase promotes <20 grams of carbohydrate/day (2 weeks) Promotes ketosis; therefore weight loss Focuses on using mostly protein and fat with a MVI Low carb bars and food products Restriction on fruits, whole grains, legumes and low-fat dairy
Is Ketosis the answer? What is ketosis? Form of energy used when carb intake is low* Body burns fat….which produces by-products called ketones that can be used for energy for the brain Sounds good, right? Ketones are acidic which can lead to acid/base inbalance Can lead to gout, kidney stones & bad breath
Pros Atkins It is a “diet” therefore you are more aware of what you put in your body You will cut out several sources of added calories: French Fries Chips Cookies/Pies/Cakes Soda Pop
Cons Atkins Short-term Dehydration Constipation Decreased mental capacity Long-term Potential for osteoporosis ?? (kidney damage)
Protein Amino AcidsNitrogen Ammonium (NH 3 )Ammonia (NH 2 ) Calcium Urea Urine
South Beach Diet What is it? 3 Phases 1 st Phase: Bans all carbohydrates and allows normal-sized portions of meat, veggies, eggs and nuts 2 nd Phase: Reintroduces “good carbs” (as defined by the glycemic index) 3 rd Phase: Eat pretty much anything in moderation
Glycemic Index What is it? Number which represents how fast the sugar in the food reaches your blood Based upon white bread = 100 High glycemic >70 Med glycemic Low glycemic <50 Will low glycemic foods help you lose weight? No definite research yet
Pros South Beach “Diet” helps a person become aware of what they are putting in their mouth 2 nd and 3 rd phases promote high fiber, lean protein and dairy, fruits and veggies and “good” fats All things in moderation
Cons South Beach 1 st phase can be dangerous, same as Atkins Initial weight loss probably due to water loss & may be regained
The Zone What is it? Complex eating plan that divides each meal into exact percents of protein, fat and carbs 40% Protein 30% Fat 30% Carbs
Pros The Zone More closely follows ADA dietary advise 50-55% Carbohydrates 15-20% Protein 30% Fat (<10% saturated fat) Promotes portion control Reduces sugar (which most of us could stand to cut back on)
Cons The Zone Complex eating plan Requires LOTS of tedious planning By reducing “bad” carbs, we often end up reducing “good” carbs Lack of fiber Decreased vitamin & mineral intake
What is a Balanced Diet? Includes lots of fruits and veggies Minimum of 5 per day Fresh, frozen, doesn’t matter Whole grains Whole wheat Beans Low fat dairy Lean protein
What is a Balanced Diet? Paying close attention to portion sizes 3-4 oz meat (deck of cards) Serving of fruit (size of tennis ball) ½ cup veggies (light bulb) 1 cup pasta (baseball) Exercise balances out calories consumed
Any Questions??