Jobs On Stage to Unveil iPad 2 updated: 2011/03/03 Presenters: 韩雨 郑美玉
Steve Jobs, Apple’s chief executive, made his first public appearance since going on medical leave six weeks ago, taking the stage at a San Francisco media event to introduce the iPad 2, the second generation of the company’s tablet computer ( 平板电脑 ). Gaunt( 枯瘦 ) but energetic, Mr. Jobs showed off a thinner iPad with two core processors and a claimed ninefold increase( 九倍增长 ) in graphics performance( 图像性能 ).
Apple’s stock rose more than 2 percent in the minutes after Mr. Jobs began speaking, then gave up some of its gain as he detailed ( 详述 )the iPad 2. The device will go on sale in black and white versions in the US on March 11 and in 26 other countries, including the UK, Germany and Japan, on March 25.
Most of the improvements in the latest version had been expected, including front and rear-facing( 后面的 ) video, which allows video conferencing between iPads, Mac computers and the most recent iPhones and iPods. The iPad 2 is one-third thinner than the original tablet and slightly lighter. In the US it will work with AT&T and Verizon( 美国两 大电信运营商 ), the top two mobile carriers. The pricing will be identical to the 2010 iPad at its introduction, ranging from $499 to $829 in six models.
Words and Expression Unveil 除去... 的面纱, 揭开... 的幕 eg: He plans to unveil a comprehensive regulatory overhaul by mid-June Take the stage 登台露面 eg:She did take the stage to accept three awards. Rear-facing 后面的,后座的 eg:It's especially dangerous to put an infant who must use a rear- facing car seat in the front of such a vehicle.
Background Information Two top mobile carriers in US AT&T 公司, American Telephone & Telegraph 的 缩写,是一家美国电信公司,创建于 1877 年, 曾长期垄断美国长途和本地电话市场。目前, AT&T 是美国最大的本地和长途电话公司,总 部位于得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥。相当于中国联 通。 Verizon , Verizon 目前是美国最大的本地电话公 司之一、最大的无线通信公司,全世界最大的 印刷黄页和在线黄页信息提供商. 相当于中国电 信。
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