Office Safety n Objectives: – Prevent injuries – To raise the safety awareness level of office personnel – Comply with Federal Regulations
Topics we will Cover n Emergency Response n Fire Extinguishers n Lifting & Moving n Ergonomics n Parking Lot Safety n Hazards in the Shop n PPE in the Shop n Crane Awareness n Lift Truck Awareness n Haz Comm n MSDS n LOTO
Emergency Response n Medical Emergencies – 1. Call 911 – 2. Get a Responder from the shop – 3. Send someone to Flag down EMS – Do not touch anything contaminated with Blood Born Pathogens
Fire Emergencies n Fire larger then a waste basket, large amount of smoke or alarm sounds leave through nearest exit. n Call Fire 911 n Assemble in front of water tower n Take a head count
Using a Fire Extinguisher PASS n Remember PASS – P – P - Pull the pin located in the handle – A – A - Aim the nozzle at base of fire – S – S - Squeeze the trigger – S – S - Sweep the base of the fire n Remember the extinguisher has only about 30 seconds of retardant n Do not breath in the retardant
Lifting & Moving n 1. Check Weight of Object n 2. Plan path of travel n 3. Lift with legs, keep back straight n 4. Keep object as close to abdomen as possible n 5. Set down keeping back straight
Ergonomics n Maintain a position closest to the neutral hand shake as much as possible. n Best position is different for everyone n Adjust workstation until a position is found with the greatest comfort n Stretch: Hands, Neck, Back, Shoulders & Arms n Break up repetitive tasks with other activities
Parking Lot Safety n Wear shoes with traction on days with conditions of snow or ice. n Report icy or areas needing shoveling to the operations manager.
Hazards in the Shop n UV light n Lift Trucks n Overhead Crane Loads n Noise n Sparks n Flying Particles n Trip Hazards
PPE n Required in the shop – Hard-Hat – Safety Glasses – Steel Toe Shoes if travel into the shop on a daily basis n Hearing Protection if going to be around grinding, the tumbler, or an operating burning table.
Crane Awareness n All operators must be certified n Overhead Cranes are the most hazardous piece of equipment used here. n Always keep all body parts out of pinch point zones and possible fall impact zones. n Never travel into the path of the an overhead load. n Lifting devices are considered overhead loads as well.
Lift Truck Awareness n All operators must be certified n Yield to Lift Trucks n Always make sure operators know you are in the area before approaching the lift n Never walk behind a Lift Truck if the operator does not know you are there n Always keep a buffer zone between yourself and the lift
Haz Comm n Chemical Hazard Communication n Coded Diamond or Square – Red - Flammability – Blue - Health – Yellow - Reactivity – White - Special Hazard n All categories rated 1 to 4 n Higher the number greater the hazard
MSDS n Material Safety Data Sheets n Located in by the time clock n Detailed information about the properties, hazards, first aid and storage of every chemical
LOTO n Lockout/Tagout n Isolate and control energy such as electric. n Do not remove tags or locks n Do not try and start a locked out machine. n Never operate a machine you are unauthorized or untrained to operate.
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