Declarative (Explicit) Memory Knowing That Facts Semantic Events Episodic Can consciously & deliberatively access & describe content e.g., Albany is the capital of NYe.g., I had an egg on toast for breakfast Vs. Implicit (Nondeclarative Memory ) Knowing How Doesn’t imply being aware of the memory. Sometimes called “Procedural”
Implicit (Nondeclarative Memory) Skills Category (Probability) PrimingBasic Associative Nonassociative (habituation) Skills e.g., HM, tennis; star tracing Jeremy, furniture making Category (Probability) e.g., gambling odds study & matching; Weather forecasting study; amesiacs Priming e.g., Robinson Crusoe under anesthesia; Amnesiacs completing words fragments Alan Alda & eggs? Basic Associative e.g., operant & classical conditioning Nonassociative/habituation Reduced response to repeated stimulus, such as to car traffic; often used in studying infant learning
Famous Mnemonists What could they do & how do they do it? Rajan Could repeat back a 6 x 6 matrix of numbers Could recall 31,811 digits of pi Steve Faloon Undergraduate who participated in a memory study, ending with a digit span of more than 100 Toscanini Wrote down the score for a piece of music for all the orchestra parts after not having seen the music for decades S Could remember a series of 70+ words, numbers, meaningless syllable, retaining them over long periods of time, as long as there was 3-4 seconds between items