119 September 2008. The Challenge Meeting National and International Commitments Tracking Progress and Gaps What results have been achieved? Have we reached.


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Presentation transcript:

119 September 2008

The Challenge Meeting National and International Commitments Tracking Progress and Gaps What results have been achieved? Have we reached our goals? Assessing Interventions What has worked and why? What can be done to ensure EFA is achieved? 2015 End of Decade: Accounting for Commitments Asia and Pacific EFA Mid-Decade Assessment Responding to Realities Learn from experience Make more informed decisions Be accountable

The Challenge Monitoring Education Development Surveys and Census Periodic household surveys on various topics, including education and Population census once every decade Education Management Data Administrative records from various government departments and levels Reports Flagship reports by national and international agencies with detailed analysis of specific development issues

The Challenge Reaching the Audience Development Agencies Bilateral and multilateral development agencies each with their own priorities National Stakeholders National statistics organizations, decision- makers, civil society organizations, mass media, general public United Nations United Nations agencies with specific focus areas

EFAInfo Overview Developed to support the EFA Mid-Decade Assessment. Reflects in its structure the set of MDA indicators – both core and policy/system indicators Based on DevInfo, a free software developed to monitor the MDGs and implemented in many countries across the world Prepared for CDROM release in October 2008 and online from January September 2008

Objectives at 2 levels Country-level Provide a tool and template for national customization and implementation to compile, monitor, present and analyze education data National activities underway with support from UNICEF EAPRO in: – Indonesia – Mongolia – Papua New Guinea – Vanuatu Further country activities are expected through support from national DevInfo taskforce and UNICEF Country Offices 619 September 2008

Partnerships Adaptations Customized Databases More than 40 national statistics organizations and other agencies have adapted DevInfo database technology to user-specified requirements

Objectives at 2 levels Regional Develop a regional database as record of the Asia and Pacific EFA MDA integrated with education-related, national and sub- national data. Coverage includes: – Central Asia – South Asia – East Asia – South-East Asia – Pacific Complementing regional initiatives underway: ASPBAE Info 819 September 2008

Database Contents National Education data – National EFA Mid-Decade Assessment Data (labeled as ‘provisional’) – Education Statistics reports International data – EFA Global Monitoring Report (UNESCO) – State of the World’s Children Report (UNICEF) – GenderInfo (UNSD) – Millennium Development Goals (UNDP) Household survey data – Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) – South, East and Central Asia – Living standards survey (LLSMS) – Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Special studies – Literacy, Disabilities, Caste and Ethnicity, Economic surveys 440,000 data points from 210 sources 919 September 2008

EFAInfo Output Tables Graphs Maps 1019 September 2008

Organization – by Goal / Sector 1119 September 2008

Organization – by Area 1219 September 2008

Organization – by Source 1319 September 2008

Indicator Metadata 1419 September 2008

A commitment and an opportunity in Asia and the Pacific EFAInfo Data Analysis Graphs, tables and maps presented here were prepared with data from the EFAInfo 1.2. Compiled data includes national and sub-national data sets prepared for the EFA Mid-Decade Assessment, household survey data and internationally-comparable data from the EFA GMR and SOWC 2008

Source: EFA GMR September 2008

Source: EFA GMR September 2008

Source: Mongolia MICS, September 2008

Source: Papua New Guinea, School Census, September 2008

Source: Papua New Guinea, School Census, September 2008

Source: Papua New Guinea, School Census, September 2008

Source: EFA GMR September 2008

Household Surveys: Economic status has great impact on education attainment, but other factors contribute to depth of disparities Education Attainment by wealth Source: National DHS/TLSS/MICS Reports 2319 September 2008

Household Surveys: The urban/rural divide affects boys and girls participation and attainment of education differently across the region. Source: National DHS/MICS Reports Education Attainment by sex and location (urban/rural) 2419 September 2008

A Common Database System features Contains EFA MDA indicators, ready for customization, data entry and use Compiles all relevant data in one system, allowing for multiple sources of data Facilitates easy retrieval of data Provides for analysis of trends over time Integrates powerful presentation tools (table, graph, map) 2519 September 2008

National Integration Allows for linkages into larger existing national development database CambodiaNepal A Common Database System functions Fully customizable, to fit the country context and the needs (national plans, goals, indicators, etc) China Fiji 2619 September 2008

Challenges Data availability/ Quality Demand for data (to be applied to policy- making/planning) Application of data for policy and planning Inter-agency collaboration (population data) Transforming data into information and how to use it in policy and decision making

Pacific Regional Training Workshop Nov 2007 East Asia Regional Training Workshop Dec 2007 Regional Activities training and production South Asia Regional Training Workshop Early TBA

Follow up & Extension Datasets welcome – agencies are welcome to submit data for compilation in final release of EFAInfo. Software available online at: September 2008

EFAInfo Endnotes: Please note that data sourced from national data sets prepared for the EFA Mid-Decade Assessment remains provisional pending endorsement from national authorities and thus should not be quoted or referenced until further notice.