Vivien Cook Regional Account Manager, Northern & Eastern Europe Lund Online – 11 th October 2006
Presentation Overview Access/Authentication Options End User Functionality Collection Development Tools Promotional/Marketing “stuff” Usage Statistics
Access/Authentication Options Through a library web page link to Via a secure Library web page link (using a proxy server) From direct links to individual titles from a library web page Via the Library OPAC From WorldCat or the Electronic books database in FirstSearch Authentication via IP address, referring URL or user name/password
More limit & sort options are available…
NetLibrary automatically checks spelling and offers alternatives
Lets take a brief look at audio books….
Staff Functionality Collection Development tools Promotional & Marketing “stuff” Usage Statistics
Build potential collections
NetLibrary assisted collection development
Profile set up form
“Stuff” to assist
The weakest link !!
And Finally….. If this brief presentation was unintelligible, try this: Thank you