Library Workshop Food, Culture & Lifestyles
Food & Culture Everyone eats from birth to end What is food? How is food related to your life? Food study has multiple dimensions
Food study involves different subjects Environment e.g. Bluefin tuna Anthropology Globalization, e.g. California Roll Sociology Industrialization, e.g. Sushi bar History Origination, e.g. Southeast Asia / Japan? Culture Etiquette, e.g. chopstick / hand? Linguistics 寿司 / 鮨 / 鮓
Example: Food and Language English French Spanish Italian German Dutch Indonesian Malay … Japanese Korean Thai Arabic Hindi Greek Czech Swedish … Chá ( 茶 ) Two Chinese pronunciations of “Tea” have made their way into other languages around the world Tê (Tea)
Reference Works Provide background information or definition of specific topic Keywords Food culture, food habits, cookery Encyclopedia, Dictionary Some E-reference tools are available online
Cambridge world history of food Encyclopedia of food and culture Encyclopedia of food sciences and nutrition Foods & nutrition encyclopedia The Oxford companion to food The Oxford encyclopedia of food and drink in America Encyclopedia
Why is the soft drink named 7 Up? Search at Library Catalogue: Keywords = encyclopedia food America The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America Example
General Works Useful Subject Headings Cookery Eating (Philosophy) Food habits Food preferences Diets Dinners and dining Drinking behavior Food consumption Food preferences Gastronomy Vegetarianism
Useful Call No. Range SubjectCall No. Manners and customs. Eating and drinkingGT2850 Food processing and manufactureTP Nutrition. Foods and food supplyTX Food preferences TX357 CookeryTX Hospitality industry. Hotels, clubs, restaurants, etc. Food service TX
Is there any books on Globalization of Chinese foods? Search at Library Catalogue Keywords = globali?ation AND (china OR chinese) AND food* The globalization of Chinese food China to Chinatown : Chinese food in the West Example
飲食作為一種社會行為,不論從食材的分類、採購、處理,到烹調、享用、評價等過程, 都受到所置身的集體「遊戲規則」所限。 是誰規定吃和牛蘸燒汁是品味表現? 誰散佈吃 buffet 一定有著數的言論? 鳳爪本身無肉無味為何我們仍啃得津津有味? 「狗肉該不該吃」的討論立據也能扯上全球大趨勢下誰是王者之辯? 飲食行為其實隱藏大量社會行為元素,讓人思考個體在社會結構中的際遇與位置,洞悉這 些問題,便知道如何切斷那條牽著你鼻子的繩。 馮一冲 (2011) : 《吃掉社會:走出廚房看世界》,香港, 三聯書店(香港)有限公司。 A Sociologist’s View on Food
張展鴻 (2009) : 《 公路上的廚師 》,香港,次文化堂。 莊玉惜 (2011) : 《 街邊有檔大牌檔 》,香港,三聯書店 (香港)有限公司。 陳曉蕾 (2011) : 《 剩食 》,香港,三聯書店(香港)有 限公司。 Some more New Titles on Food
Media Resources Media Resources Collection: DVD, VCD, VHS … Example: Any DVD/VCD on religious aspects of food? Search at Library Catalogue Keywords = food* AND religio* Limit to Media Resources Collection Limit to DVD/VCD format A world of food : tastes & taboos in different cultures
Media Resources Collection Examples Sushi: The spirit of embracing nature Tell me what you eat A world of food: Tastes & taboos in different cultures Global eating: Learning from other cultures Bugs for breakfast: Food & culture Did cooking make us human? Slow food revolution Foodessence Culture and cuisine The real food of China Why we eat, what we eat! 謝天 : 臺灣人的米食文化 …
Local TV Programmes (EdVideo) Video-On-Demand service Available in WMV format
Local TV Programmes (EdVideo) Keywords = food*, drink*, 食物, 飲食 … Examples: Variety is the spice Beyond foodways 天下一碗 世界在廚房 滋味人生 香港故事 [2007] 涼藥 苦口 食古 不化 香港故事 [2008] 米 東江逆流 燒出好滋味
Databases Academic Research Library Arts, business, education, humanities, psychology and sciences, etc Academic Search Premier Multi-disciplinary, covers all aspect of academic study Humanities Full Text All areas of humanities studies 中文電子期刊服務 (Taiwan) 人文學、社會科學、自然科學、應用科學、醫學與生命科 學等 中國期刊全文數據庫 (China) 教育與社會科學綜合輯, 文史哲輯
Example: How sushi becomes a globalized food? Try Academic Search Premier Keywords = sushi, globalization
Example: 全球化下的飲食文化 Try 中文電子期刊服務 CEPS Keywords = 全球化, 食物, 飲食
Internet Resources
World Food Habits World Food Habits References of food habits of different regions
Bibliography on Food and Culture Bibliography on Food and Culture
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