Evelyn Brislinger, Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen Original language documentation for the European Values Study 3rd wave 1999/2000 4th wave 2008
European Values Study (EVS) Project goals □ Improved translation process □ Multilingual documentation
Phase 1. English language documentation DSDM documentation of the integrated dataset and the 33 national datasets by English master questionnaire □ Wording of question and answer text □ Sequence of question parts □ Notes: derived variables, recoding etc. 2006
Phase 2. Original language documentation DSDM documentation of the 33 national datasets by 39 field questionnaires □ Wording of question and answer text □ Sequence of question parts □ Notes: deviations in question wording
Phase 3. Translation of field questionnaires Procedures in WebTrans □ Review procedure □ New translation □ Adaptation 72 language documentations
Phase 4. Original language documentation DSDM documentation of 46 datasets by 72 field questionnaires
7 Comparisons across space and time □ Two or more languages in one country □ One language in different countries □ All languages in all countries □ Master + original question in each country □ Languages in different waves □ Master questions in all waves (trends)
Outcome: 3rd wave in ZACAT English master questionnaire Original languages Show Cards France Estonia (Estonian) Estonia (Russian)
Tools for general usage Dataset Documentation Manager (DSDM) CodebookExplorer (CBE) EVS project portal
Dataset Documentation Manager (DSDM) What can it do for you? □ Import SPSS data files □ Allows documentation of questions, sub-questions and answers □ Allows language specific documentation □ Shows two languages concurrently on the screen □ Re-use question documentation □ Export into a DDI 2 compatible format, for Nesstar or long-term preservation □ Export into a DDI 3 compatible format, supporting enhanced publications
DSDM - Variables
DSDM - Questions
DSDM - DDI 2 and 3 export
CodebookExplorer (CBE) What can it do for you? □ Present complex data sets □ Search and browse bilingual documentation □ Show Cards view included □ Analyze data □ Manage category systems like scales, trends, thesauri, continuity guides □ Manage and save tables and graphs for reports: CodebookCreation Mode
CBE - Complex datasets
CBE - Compare languages and see Show Cards
CBE - Codebook Creation Mode
CBE - Reports
EVS project portal What can it do for you? □ Manage interaction of project participants □ Notify people about available files □ Give overview about current work status □ Preserve project results for later access
EVS project portal - manage interactions
EVS project portal - give overview
Tools for general usage