A Survey of proxy Cache Evaluation Techniques 系統實驗室 田坤銘
1.Introduction 1.Definition and description of the space of evaluation techniques 2.Appraisal of the different methods within that space 3.A survey of cache evaluation techniques from the research literature
2.Background 1.Web Caching Web caching is the temporary storage of web objects Significant Advantages: 1.reduced bandwidth 2.reduced server load 3.reduced latency 4.more reliability
Disadvantages: 1.Using an out-of-date object stored in cache instead of fetching the current object. 2.Lack of logs of client viewings of pages for the purposes of advertising
3.Evaluating Proxy Cache Performance Workload source Algorithm implementationartificial Captured logs Current requests Simulated systems/networks A1 A2 A3 Real systems/isolated network B1 B2 B3 Real systems/real network C1 C2 C3
Workload source Algorithm implementationartificial Captured logs Current requests Simulated systems/networks *A1 *A2 A3 Real systems/isolated network *B1 *B2 B3 Real systems/real network C1 *C2 *C3
4.Discussion and Conclusions 1.selection of an appropriate evaluation depends on the technology being tested and the desired level of evaluation. 2.Which space of methodologies should we use?