PESTICIDES! Do you have an attitude? The Ohio State University/OARDC OSU Extension Columbus, OH Dr. David Shetlar (the BugDoc)
Where did you get your values concerning pesticides? Parent(s)? Teacher(s)? Peers? Research into Subject??
Watch out for Charged Words! Toxic
The Numbers Games Measuring increases and decreases: Ex: 1 in 1,000,000 versus 2 in 1,000,000 “the incidence doubled” “the rate increased by 100%” “twice as many …..” Yet: 2 in 1,000,000 versus 1 in 1,000,000 “the rate decreased by 50%” “half as many …..”
The Numbers Games Comparing Studies with Unequal Numbers: Ex: 12 of 400 wells in 1992 had pesticides. 10 of 100 wells in 1995 had pesticides. Therefore: 3% of wells in 1992 were “contaminated” while 10% of wells in 1995 were “contaminated” Newspaper headline: OVER A 300% INCREASE!
Common Misconceptions (in my view) Pastoral View – “Older, simpler ways of life were better than today’s” Organic View – “Natural and/or organic products and materials are safer than synthetic.” No Risk in Banning Pesticides View – “There are no real risks in banning pesticides.” or “Life would be better without pesticides.”
What are the Major World Human Diseases? AIDS? Cancer? Diarrhea? Malaria?
Do you know of a family member or acquaintance that died from: Car accident? Cancer? War? Random shooting? Drug overdose? Pesticide exposure?
Reported Human Poisonings (reported in 1988 by the American Association of Poison Control Centers) CauseNumber % 1. Analgesics143, Cleaning agents137, Cosmetics110, Plants93, Cold medicines76, Hydrocarbons52, Topical medicines49, Bites/stings47, Foreign bodies47, Sedatives46,3883.4
Reported Human Poisonings (reported in 1988 by the American Association of Poison Control Centers) CauseNumber % 1. Insecticides41, Rodenticides10, Herbicides4, Fungicides1, total pesticides58, Pesticides
Reported Human Poisonings (reported in 1988 by the American Association of Poison Control Centers) Actual Fatalities Total poisonings = 1,368,748 Total Fatalities = 545 Pesticide Fatalities = 14 (most by suicide)
Reported Human Poisonings (reported in 1998 by the American Association of Poison Control Centers) CauseNumber % 1. Insecticides65, Rodenticides20, Herbicides10, Fungicides1, total pesticides58, Pesticides
Reported Human Poisonings (reported in 1998 by the American Association of Poison Control Centers) Actual Fatalities Total poisonings = 1,399,545 Total Fatalities = 249 Pesticide Fatalities = 16 (14 by suicide)
Human Deaths from animals (approx. 200/year) [1989 Men’s Health Magazine, April, 1992] CauseNumber 1. Deer Bees/Wasps43 3. Dogs14 4. Rattlesnakes10 5. Spiders4 6. Sharks1
Turf Insecticide LD50s Acephate (Orthene) 980 Chlorpyrifos (Dursban) 270 Diazinon 400 Ethoprop (Mocap) 62 Fonofos (Crusade) 18 Isofenphos (Oftanol) 20 Isazofos (Triumph) Malathion 1000 Trichlorfon (Dylox/Proxol) 250 Organophosphates (acetylcholinesterase inhibitors)
Bendiocarb (Turcam) 156 Carbaryl (Sevin)246 Bifenthrin (Talstar)375 Cyfluthrin (Tempo) 826 Fluvalinate (Mavrik)282 L-cyhalothrin (Scimitar) 79 Permethrin (Astro) 430 Pyrethroids (disrupt nerve sodium pump) Carbamates (acetylcholinesterase inhibitors) Turf Insecticide LD 50 s
Imidacloprid (Merit)450 Spinosads (Conserve) Halofenozide (MACH2)2850 Thiamethoxam (Meridian)1563 Fipronil (Chipco Choice)97 Chloronicotinyl (post-synaptic block, nicotinic acetycholine sites) Diacylhydrazine (molt accelerating compound, induces molt) Spinosad (synaptic block of nicotinic acetycholine sites) Thianicotinyl (post-synaptic block, nicotinic acetycholine sites) Phenylpyrazoles (GABA receptor disruption) Turf Insecticide LD50s