Chapter 8 – Groups Part 1: Oct. 21, 2011
Groups and Social Processes Groups are 2 or more people who interact and perceive themselves as a unit/”us” More than just being physically together
Functions of Groups Why join a group? –Need for social interaction –Roles within groups – –Group cohesiveness -
Group Performance Process loss can reduce group perf. –How? –Brainstorming example –
Groupthink Janis’ 1972 research – analyzed historical group decisions –Pearl Harbor, Bay of Pigs Recent examples? Groupthink – tendency of groups to repress dissenting opinions in favor of group harmony and cohesion.
Symptoms of Groupthink 1. Illusion of Invulnerability 2. Belief in Group’s Moral Superiority Symptoms 1 & 2 combine 3. Rationalization 4. Stereotypes of Opponents Symptoms 3 & 4 combine
5. Pressure to Conform – 6. Self-Censoring – 7. Illusion of Unanimity – 8. Mindguarding –