Transposable Mutagenesis for an E. coli Methionine or Histidine Synthesis Gene Jon Kissel Mary Maschek
Transposon mutagenesis Mutating prototrophic bacteria to become auxotrophic using a transposon Making plasmid library from bacterial genome Sequencing plasmid with interrupted gene
Transposons Mobile DNA elements Randomly insert into genome Can contain resistance genes
Types of transposons Size Number of genes
Bacteriophage Mu Lysogenically inserts into bacterial genome Inserts at multiple locations Can recombine out of genome and form a plasmid library
Plasmid Libraries Contain bacterial genome Individual genes are located on each plasmid Can be used to transform wild-type bacteria
Inserting the Transposon EZ::TN™ Tnp Transposome™ Kit Electroporation
EZ::TN™ Tnp Transposon Epicentre EZ::TN™ Tnp Transposome™ Kit protocol
Finding the Auxotroph Plate cells on minimal medium + met/his Replica plate on minimal medium Select for colonies that don’t grow
Making the Library DNA purification Restriction digest End-It DNA Repair Kit DNA ligation
Finding Resistance Mix library with wild-type E. coli Plate on kanamycin Select for kanamycin-resistance
Plasmid Purification Good ole Biology 107 Run on gel just to be sure
Sequencing and BLAST Send purified plasmid to IUPUI Primers come with transposome kit that tell sequencers where to begin BLAST returned sequence
Epicentre EZ::TN™ Tnp Transposome™ Kit
Timeline September – make plates, LB broth September – begin work with transposome and obtain auxotroph September 27-October 15 – ligate genomic DNA, plasmid library ready October – isolate kanamycin-resistant colony October – isolate and purify plasmid October 29-November 5 – enter sequence into BLAST November 5 to December 8 – work on manuscript
Budget EZ::TN™ Tnp Transposome™ Kit $375? End-It DNA Repair kit $70 Sequencing at IUPUI $17
Grade Agreement Obtaining auxotroph 15 points Purifying DNA 5 points Digesting DNA 5 points Assembly of plasmid library 10 points Obtaining kanamycin-resistant colony 10 points BLAST results give methionine or histidine synthesis gene 5 points 5 points