October 25-26, 2001 Urban Risk Management for Natural Disasters 1 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT: NEXT STEPS Session Wrap-up Art Lerner-Lam Columbia University
October 25-26, 2001 Urban Risk Management for Natural Disasters 2 Necessary Project Attributes l What are the most significant problems in urban risk management? In Istanbul? (Are there other, pressing, urban problems? E.g. exodus due to earthquake fears leading to unstructured/unplanned ex-urban growth. l What problem does the Project solve? Does the problem require a multidisciplinary (“vertical”) approach? l What will be learned? –Hypothesis driven –Discovery driven l What are the data requirements? –Existing, new acquisition, updates and monitoring, quality control, metadata, first analysis/characterization, catalog, archiving, ownership. –Standards and interoperability. Strong vs. weak interfaces. l What are the theory requirements? –Community modeling environment (SCEC model)
October 25-26, 2001 Urban Risk Management for Natural Disasters 3 Project Attributes (cont.) l Other resources? l Who will lead/participate? l What partnerships, communities, alliances, and associations are needed? l What are the funding opportunities? l What are the educational opportunities? l What are the barriers? l How long? Phased? Should it include an implementation phase? Technology transfer phase?
October 25-26, 2001 Urban Risk Management for Natural Disasters 4 Project Attributes (cont.) l Is the Project portable? Extensible? Scalable? l Who will have ownership of the Project and its Results? l Will the Project build “trust/ownership/importance” at the micro- or macro-cultural level? l Will the Project achieve a cultural outcome? l Will the Project contribute to cultural memory/support for further research/development/implementation? l How will the Project be assessed?
October 25-26, 2001 Urban Risk Management for Natural Disasters 5 Project Residential mitigation/ preparedness Seismological studies Financial studies + Social studies + Integrated survey Engineering studies Data Collective Rapid Dissemination Other studies