Introduction: Eccentricity and Cogging
Motor Model
Step response of non-reduced model of permanent magnet DC-Motor
Order Reduction For many DC motors, the time constant of the armature, is negligible. This produces a reduced transfer function :
Control Requirements Notatio n NameValue Bandwidth Resonant Peak Steady State Error :
Bode diagram of system with desired PI controller
Bode diagram of disturbance-output transfer function
Step response for a constant angular velocity input command
Sinusoidal angular velocity input command near =100Hz frequency
Sinusoidal angular velocity input command near 10Hz frequency
Reaction to a constant torque disturbance
Reaction to a sinusoidal torque disturbance
Tracking error for sinusoidal input command and sinusoidal disturbance
Tracking error for position dependent disturbance and sinusoidal 100[rad/sec] input command
Tracking error results for different phase position dependent torque disturbance and fixed parameter disturbance compensation
Tracking error results for different amplitude position dependent torque disturbance and fixed parameter disturbance compensation
Tracking error for adaptive eccentricity compensator
Desired and Actual Angular Velocity for adaptive eccentricity compensator
Predicted and actual disturbance using an adaptive eccentricity compensator
Angular position tracking error for adaptive eccentricity compensator
Actual and predicted disturbance
Disturbance Prediction Error
Angular Position Observer Error
Angular Velocity Observer Error
Tracking error for adaptive eccentricity compensation of two harmonic position dependent disturbances
Desired and Actual Angular Velocity for adaptive eccentricity compensator
Predicted and actual disturbance using an adaptive eccentricity compensator