Empowered to Deliver Governor’s Conference on Economic Development MO STEP=UP Ann Pardalos, Manager
Purpose Promote Missouri products and service globally Increase the number of Missouri businesses exporting Increase the volume of Missouri exports Facilitate international business opportunities Attract foreign investment to Missouri
Who’s Exporting 97 % SMEs 30% Total export value 1 Foreign market Fewer than 20 employees In Missouri: ▫Almost 99% SME’s ▫25% of total export value ▫<2500 manufacturers People Like You
RankDescriptionANNUAL 2010% Canada3,988,570, Mexico1,302,408, China986,685, Korea, Republic Of655,670, Japan596,285, Belgium475,124, Singapore371,606, Germany344,858, Brazil328,715, United Kingdom305,627,
RankCountryYTD Q Canada $ 2,316,105, Mexico $ 719,921, China $ 593,637, Korea, Republic Of $ 322,684, Japan $ 280,366, Belgium $ 261,176, Germany $ 192,348, Netherlands $ 163,675, Brazil $ 152,115, Australia $ 135,364,111.00
Mexico Todd Nelson Europe Ryan O’Lynn China Edward Li South Korea Hyun-Sook Kim Taiwan Hank Ma Japan Hiroaki Shino Missour Missouri Ann Pardalos Alice Bernard-Jones Bob Donnelly Yan Li Mark Wine Krista Zurkamer Missouri International Trade & Investment Office Locations Around the Globe Beijing Brazil India
Services Available to You Trade counseling Agent/Distributor search Background check Business protocol Customized market research Export finance program International trade shows Catalogue shows Foreign trade missions Customized company mission Trade leads Certificate of free sale Missouri export directory
Missouri State Trade & Export Promotion = Unlimited Possibilities
Missouri State Trade & Export Promotion = Unlimited Possibilities Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 ▫Small Business Administration ▫3-year trade and export promotion pilot program ▫State Trade and Export Promotion (STEP) Grant Program Grants to state trade offices Funding for market activities and export programs that assist eligible small business concerns Goals: ▫Increase the number of small business exporters ▫Increase the value of exports from small businesses
Primary Recipients: New-to-market small business exporters New-to-export small businesses Key Points: 12-month program Market expansion activities Export Training Program Dedicated Website 300 small new-to-market businesses Maximum of 50 new-to-export businesses State Representation in Beijing; Brazil and India MO STEP=UP Missouri State Trade & Export Promotion = Unlimited Possibilities
MO STEP=UP Eligibility Requirements 500 employees or less No annual sales limitations Demonstration of export sales potential Marketing Activities Trade shows, trade missions, foreign market sales trips Subscription services of US Department of Commerce Marketing media and website translation to their overall export development plan. Missouri State Trade & Export Promotion = Unlimited Possibilities
MO STEP=UP New-to-Market Exporters Funding for 300 new-to-market exporters that currently: ▫Export to a least one market - Canada counts ▫50% or 150 must be rural small business concerns (based on county of location) ▫25% or 75 firms must be women owned and controlled; veteran owned and controlled; and/or socially and economically disadvantaged small business concerns ▫10% or 30 of the firms must be directly or indirectly affected by supply chain exports Missouri State Trade & Export Promotion = Unlimited Possibilities
MO STEP=UP New-to-Market Exporters General Considerations for funding: ▫Maximum of 50% reimbursement for marketing activities in general markets ▫Maximum of 75% reimbursement for marketing activities related the Chinese market ▫Maximum of 60% reimbursement for marketing activities related to BRI(K) markets Marketing Activities: *noted earlier Missouri State Trade & Export Promotion = Unlimited Possibilities
MO STEP=UP New-to-Export Small Businesses: Funding to a minimum of 50 new-to-export small business exporters as per the following criteria: ▫Do not currently export to at least one market – or exports are sporadic and very small in volume ▫50% or 25 of the firms must be rural small business concerns (county of location) ▫15% or 8 of the firms must be women owned and controlled; veteran owned and controlled; and/or socially and economically disadvantaged small business concerns ▫10% or 5 of the firms must be directly or indirectly affected by supply chain exports Missouri State Trade & Export Promotion = Unlimited Possibilities
MO STEP=UP New-to-Export Small Businesses General Considerations for funding: ▫Maximum of 50% or $900 reimbursement for the state’s sanctioned export training program ▫Maximum of 50% reimbursement for design of marketing media ▫Maximum of 50% reimbursement for website translation fees ▫Other export promotion initiatives as approved by the Supervisory Committee ▫*25 firms determined export ready by the Supervisory Committee will be eligible to receive funding for general marketing activities, in an effort to augment training efforts with hands-on experience Missouri State Trade & Export Promotion = Unlimited Possibilities
MO STEP=UP SBA US Department of Commerce World Trade Center – St. Louis World Trade Center - Kansas City Missouri Department of Agriculture Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce Cape Girardeau Area Chamber of Commerce Missouri State Trade & Export Promotion = Unlimited Possibilities Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) Grace Hill Women’s Development Center Veterans Business Resource Center Missouri Enterprise Greater Ozarks International Trade Association International Trade Council of Greater Kansas City State Partners
Missouri Department of Economic Development International Trade & Investment Office 301 W. High St., Ste 720 Jefferson City, MO