Executive Report to Council HR Director 13 June 2008
Aim To update Council as to the progress made in the HR Strategic Projects outlined in June 2007, as well as identifying a number of other Strategic issues we are also addressing.
Internal & External Communications HR Strategic Projects Resourcing & Recruitment People Development Leadership & Management Development Rewards & Recognition Employer of Choice Employee Engagement Employee Relations HR Effectiveness Structure Process Capabilities Leadership Metrics Internal & External Communications
1. Leadership and Management Development Consultation on requirements Appointment of an internal Leadership & Development Advisor Design and development of a leadership programme at two levels for both Academic and Support staff Partnership with “The Work Foundation” Start of the Leadership & Management Development programmes on 15 May 2008. Three programmes now running through to early 2009; total of 48 managers Establishment of an online Leadership and Management Development Resource Centre
2. People Development New framework for staff development with revised Policy and guidelines incorporating change in focus Training Needs Analysis for staff completed in areas of statutory and legal obligations Reorganisation of posts within Professional and Organisational Development (POD) and recruitment of identified posts underway Review of staff development support for Academics New induction training
3. Employer of Choice Review of current HR policies to ensure ‘fit for purpose’ New policies consulted/introduced: Retirement, Flexible Working, Career Break, Grievance, Discipline and Appeals New HR website now covers overall benefits, terms and conditions
4. Recruitment and Resourcing Electronic submission of CVs/Applications introduced in advance of web-enabled recruitment Revised Authority to Recruit Process New guidance on a number of recruitment areas eg travel expenses, starting salaries Redesigned Recruitment and Selection Training Course A Resourcing Plan incorporated into the Better Management Pilot for departmental business plans Supplier identified for introduction of web-enabled recruitment
5. Employee Engagement Staff Opinion Survey carried out between 31 March and 9 May 2008. Just over 60% of staff (1,922) completed the survey – a response rate significantly higher than the sector Process for feeding back results and the development of appropriate action plans agreed with a Steering Group
Overall University Survey Results The University is a good place to work 93% My motivation at work is generally high 85% I feel part of a team 79% I would recommend the University to a friend: - as a place to work - as a place to study 80% 78% Departmental Senior Management Team is doing a good job in: - providing leadership - working together as a team - allocating resources effectively - communicating with staff 40% 35% 29% 34%
Overall University Survey Results I do not have time to carry out all my work 49% I feel unduly stressed at work Two main causes of which were: - work demands - my workload 23% 80% 75% Staff who at the time of survey were being harassed or bullied 5% I believe the University is committed to equality of opportunity for all its staff 81% The University acts fairly with regard to recruitment 93% On the whole communication in University is effective 63% Different parts of University communicate effectively with each other 35%
6. Employee Relations Joint group of Management and Trade Union colleagues set up to develop a new structure and machinery for local negotiations/consultations Format of structure now agreed by the group with TUs balloting their membership with a recommendation to approve and a submission to Council on 18 July 2008 The new arrangements will provide for single table discussions on areas common to all staff groups
7. Rewards & Recognition Equal Pay Review – initial analysis completed Work on evaluation and grading of those groups of staff not covered by Framework in 06/07 eg Atypical Research and Teaching roles Detailed analysis of workforce data (eg paybill split by groups, increases over last three years etc) produced and presented to SMG in ‘Approach to Reward’ series of seminars Preparation for introduction of Salary Sacrifice for a range of benefits including pensions, which will result in significant National Insurance savings for both the University and the employees Role Reviews (re-grading requests still a large part of workload due to lack of generic job profiles – 51 new roles evaluated and 33 role reviews completed in year to date)
8. HR Effectiveness New Shared Services structure for HR integrating previously separate administration areas with an Enquiries Tracking System Job applications via email Better reporting by data cleansing and disaggregation of posts exercise Web-enabled recruitment provider selected New HR website to enable staff to navigate and access information in a simpler way Preparation for a self service facility to automate training bookings and sickness absence reporting Redesign of a number of posts when turnover allowed