Work Package 13 Knowledge Management, Exploitation and Dissemination Dr. Jay Pearlman, IEEE, WP co-lead Dr. Christian Kittl, Evolaris, WP co-lead January 18, 2012
IEEE background The IEEE France Section is an IEEE non-profit corporation in Europe, registered in France in 1967, with more than 3000 members and associates. Globally, IEEE is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology –400,000 members in over 162 countries; over 900 active IEEE standards and more than 400 in development. –450 IEEE sponsored or co-sponsored conferences worldwide each year; more than 40 GEOSS workshops for users and scientists in the last six years. IEEE has played an active role in GEO and GEOSS development, leading interoperability activities and GEOSS infrastructure for standards and best practices. IEEE is a co-chair on the GEO Architecture and Data Committee IEEE currently leads work packages in outreach for EuroGEOSS and EGIDA and is active in other projects through participation in advisory boards or through collaborations.
Evolaris Background Established in 2000 as an independent R&D facility for interactive media; 5 million Euros per year in research and development funds Focused on technologies for the Internet and the mobile phone, supporting customer needs Evolaris Mobile Living Lab acts as an innovation service provider Main benefits: –User driven approach with systematic business model design –Cost-effective development of mobile services as opposed to costly trial-and-error approaches
WP 13 Knowledge Management, Exploitation and Dissemination
WP 13 Partner participation IEEE – co-Lead Evolaris – co-Lead Cambridge Mobile Sensing IIASA Positium Quirici SAP WAAG YDreams The Exploitation Committee “will be active beyond the lifetime of the project to address IPR issues, marketing any innovations, prototyping, supporting the development of technical standards, and identifying potential partners and sources of finance for commercialization.”
WP 13 Key Areas Exploitation Sustainability Dissemination Knowledge Management (IPR and ?)
WP 13 - KM, Exploitation and Dissemination “the dissemination activities will comprise both traditional outreach and social networking approaches” Traditional – workshops, webinars, conferences, press releases, publications, trade fairs, etc User Interface and Exploitation – requirements assessments, target group definitions, usability and user experience, etc Social Networking - social media and blogs, mobile gaming for user interface and outreach, environmental citizen groups, NGO communities, school education outreach, GLOBE, v-reality, etc
Status and Steps Forward High level approach defined in Phase 1 proposal Refinement and details brainstormed Review with WP 13 team this week; definition of work package tasks Coordination with other work packages Agreement of activities and responsibilities among WP 13 partners Writing Assignments Schedule coordination
Challenges Non-traditional approaches Non-traditional communities Long term view Measurable outcomes Close coordination with other WPs