Sponsored by the CAHE Technology Help Desk eSource: A tool for sharing stuff… Barbara Chamberlin, Ph.D.
eSource: What is it? A place to post files Tied to Directory Anyone can search, CAHE people can post
What can I post? Photos Templates Tips and tricks Presentations Funding opportunities Clip Art Handouts Websites Conference resources
How do I get there? Go to CAHE main page –Select Directory –Click on “eSource” on left Go to
In review… Anyone can see what you post To get password: –Use your reporting login and password -or- –Type first part of Submit, then have it mailed to you –Call the help desk, Make suggestions to Barbara at: –
In conclusion Door prizes/evaluation Next Popcorn Technology Series –Friday, July 22 –3:30 pm –New ways to share information: blogs, wikis and RSS