The African Heartlands Ericka Wilson
Objectives To Learn the eight different African Heartlands. To be able to know the different types of African animals. To be able to know which Heartland a animal belongs to.
What is a Heartland? Heartlands are comprised of land units ranging in size from 7,000 km2 to 95,000 km2. Some Heartlands fall within a single country; many extend across international borders of two or more countries.
The 8 African Heartlands: Congo Kazungula Kilimanjaro Limpopo Maasai Steppe Samburu Virunga Zambezi
Congo: Dense Equatorial Forests Location: Democratic Republic of Congo. Suffered from civil wars. Congo River Tributes to this heartland. Home of the second largest rainforest. Fun Fact: Home of over 400 fish species.
Kazungula Bostswana, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwa are represented in the Kazungula heartland. World renowned Victoria Falls are found here. Wetlands make up most of this heartland.
Kilimanjaro Draws its name from the majestic Mt. Kilimanjaro. Located in Kenya and Tanzania. Surrounded by several lakes and low lying suvannas. Wildlife migration routes/dispersal areas.
Limpopo Spans over 3 countries. Savannas, dry woodlands, rivers,and flood plains make up the heartland. Home of a large diversity of animals. Many endangered species reside on this heartland.
Maasai Steppe World’s richest remaining refuges for wildlife. Contains the Simaniaro Plains. This plain serves as a breeding ground. This heartland contains important National Forest Reserves and wetland areas.
Samburu Located just north of the equator in the rain- shadow of Mt. Kenya. Contains extensive ranch and communal lands. Intact wet montane forests, dry cedar forests, Loroki plateau grassland, acacia- grassland and the Ewasa Nyiro River are part of the Saburu Heartland.
Virunga Location: Uganda, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo. Volcanic activity is high in this heartland. Papyrus swamps and bamboo forest Rivers, wetlands and lakes Springs and small water courses
Zambezia Includes a range of diverse lands along the middle stretch of the Zambezi River. The Zambezi River, tributaries, acacia floodplain and interconnecting wetlands. Location: Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Mozambique.
Now that we have covered the eight African Heartlands For a group project ( no more then three to a group) pick a animal from the wildlife library. Then make a poster on the animal and which heartland(s) your animal belongs to.