2 FNC P T analysis Analysis team Baatar Ts., Togoo R., Vitaliy Dodonov, Armen Bunyatyan (*FTE depends on availability of DESY support) Goal -measure double differential cross section d 2 /dx L dP T 2 -fit P T 2 dependence with exponent exp(-bP T 2 ) -compare cross-sections and slope with pion flux parameterisations Data , H1OO 3.3 Status Analysis progressing, cross-sections with some systematics included will be shown in the diffractive meeting Difficulties, main systematics strong dependence on the FNC vertex position, beam tilt, MC description, interpretation of measurements (contribution of non-pion exchange) Plan preliminary ICHEP-2010 (DIS-2010 ?) Critical item manpower: Baatar Ts. and Togoo R. are in Mongolia until Jan 2010
3 Forward photon measurement with FNC Analysis team Hamlet Zohrabyan (~75%*), Armen Bunyatyan (10-20%) (*depends on availability of DESY support) Goal -measure x L (P T ) cross sections of forward photons in FNC -compare with proton fragmentation models (particular interesting for models of cosmic ray showers) Data , H1OO 3.3 Status Rather fresh analysis, slowly progressing (H.Z. was away for the last 3 months) Difficulties strong dependence on the FNC MC description, noise simulation Plan preliminary DIS-2010 or ICHEP-2010
4 Elastic ρ with FNC Analysis team Jakov Vazdik (*FTE depends on financial support) Goal - γ p ρ+ π +n (i.e. elastic ρ production on π +) Data Status Initial studies was done with data, however the statistics was very low New analysis with data is started Plan Preliminary in 2010
5 F 2 D(3) Analysis team Emmanuel Sauvan (30%) Laurent Schoeffel (30%) Goal - F 2 D(3) from data, and QCD fits Data , DST5,H1OO 3.3 Status -control of inclusive middle Q 2 NC OK (hfs, e-calibration) -first look at diffraction and forward.detector is promising -first cross sections extracted: mechanism in place -to do: good control of forward detectors and p-diss. control/determination of systematics Plan complete in 2009 Critical items FTEs