Verification of USDA-MARC Heat Stress Forecasts
USDA-MARC Heat Stress Overview Contributions by the National Weather Service Verification of USDA-MARC Heat Stress Forecasts Fostering Agency Relationships
USDA-MARC Heat Stress Overview
Heat waves can have a significant financial impact on feedlot cattle producers Cattle Risk Factors Genetics Health Production Status Previous Exposure to Heat Stress Impacts of Heat Stress
Normal Recognizing Heat Stress No signs of stress
Stage 1 Recognizing Heat Stress Elevated breathing rate Restless Spend increased time standing
Stage 2 Recognizing Heat Stress Slight drooling Animals may group together
Stage 3 Recognizing Heat Stress Excessive drooling or foaming
Stage 4 Recognizing Heat Stress Open mouth breathing
Stage 5 Recognizing Heat Stress Extremely elevated breathing rate with pushing from flanks Open mouth breathing with tongue protruding
Stage 6 Recognizing Heat Stress Breathing is labored, and respiration rate may decrease Head down Not necessarily drooling Individual animals may be isolated from herd
Breathing Rate Equation Studies have shown breathing rate to be a good indicator of cattle heat stress Breathing rate varies as cattle attempt to maintain thermal balance MARC researchers developed the breathing rate equation to predict the animal’s response to different weather conditions Forecasting Heat Stress
Important Weather Parameters Temperature Wind Speed Humidity Solar Radiation Forecasting Heat Stress
Breathing Rate =(2.83 X Temperature) + (0.58 X Humidity) – (0.76 X Wind Speed) + (0.429 X (100 – Cloud Cover)) – Forecasting Heat Stress Predicted Breathing RateHeat Stress Category <= 90 breaths per minuteNormal 91 – 110 breaths per minuteAlert breaths per minuteDanger > 130 breaths per minuteEmergency
Contributions by the National Weather Service
Verify weather elements which are used in the breathing rate equation Identify which element(s) cause the greatest discrepancy between forecast breathing rate and observed breathing rate Provide meteorologically-based recommendations for the breathing rate equation Research Goals
Download observational data from NCDC Acquire archived forecast data from USDA-MARC Develop verification scripts Develop a verification grid Verify heat stress forecasts Map generation of heat stress forecast verification Verification
Observational data ASOS and AWOS sites Surface temperature, surface dew point, surface wind speed, cloud cover up to 12,000 FT Sky Cloud Product Satellite derived product Cloud cover above 12,000 FT Verifying Weather Elements
14 Separate Python Scripts Verification Grid Production Data Quality Control Data Ingest Data Verification Verification Scripts
Verification Grid
GFE (Graphical Forecast Editor) used for verification image production Forecast domain enlarged to include entire heat stress forecast domain Modified scripts used to produce daily precipitation maps Modified GFE SerpTool for final image production Verification Image Production
HTML script with JavaScript embedded Allows for quick and easy navigation of available images Allows the user to select from a host of weather elements Allows the user to select individual forecast days or date ranges Verification Image Display
Finish verifying all of April – September 2008 Begin downloading data for 2009 Continue raising awareness of the USDA-MARC’s work on heat stress Future Plans for the Study