NAVY METCAL Executive Director Update May 2009 G. Denny Williams Deputy Executive Director, Navy METCAL SEA 04RME
METCAL Lead SYSCOM Chief of Naval Operations (N4) charters Commander Naval Sea Systems Command as the Executive Director Office for Navy METCAL Programs to: Establish and monitor uniform, centrally managed processes that are responsive to funding, requirements, acquisition, metrology engineering, calibration maintenance, technical training, automated information systems, and total life-cycle management support of Navy METCAL Programs. Ensure Navy METCAL requirements are included in weapon system and equipment acquisition. Optimize overall Navy METCAL infrastructure.
METCAL Lead SYSCOM Commander Naval Sea Systems Command assigns SEA 04 as METCAL Executive Director to: Provide Navy METCAL Program oversight and advocacy. Coordinate Navy METCAL program planning, engineering, and calibration operations. Develop, monitor and enforce Navy METCAL policy through SYSCOM and Fleet Forces Command (FFC) calibration program managers. Promote metrology infrastructure optimization, including laboratory modernization, equipment renewal, and R&D elements.
METCAL Lead SYSCOM Deputy METCAL Executive Director Plans and executes responsibilities as assigned by the Navy METCAL Executive Director . Directs the work of the staff of the Executive Director organization. Provides coordination of Technical Agent activities. Chairs the Test and Monitoring Systems Executive Board. Is the advocate and point of contact for Navy participation on Joint Service Metrology Committees, Industry Panels, etc. Manages the Navy Metrology RDT&E program. Develops and implements Navy calibration laboratory audit and certification policy, procedures, and funding processes. Promotes and supports a standardized Navy METCAL Automated Information System.
METCAL Lead SYSCOM TAMS Executive Board Consists of senior managers from NAVAIR, NAVSEA, SSP, MARCORSYSCOM, SPAWAR, and the Fleet. Provides overview and guidance for Navy TAMS program including policy, procedures, process, instruction, and standards. Establishes and tasks TAMS standing committees to further process improvements and efficiency.
Lead SYSCOM / ED Structure NAVSEA Exec Dir SEA 04 RADM Hugel Commander Fleet Forces Command N43 RADM Campbell Engineering Agent NSWC Corona MS 00 Arman Hovakemian Deputy Exec Dir, SEA 04RME Denny Williams ADDU Test and Monitoring Systems (TAMS) Executive Board NAVSEA SEA 04RM Marc Borkowski NAVAIR AIR 6.7 Mary Jones USMC PM TMDE Mike Gallagher SSP SSP 20163 Eli Zacharia SPAWAR SPAWAR 04H-3 Barbara Hauenstein CLF N433 CAPT Seaton STANDING COMMITTEES Program Management (Tom Ingram SEA 04RM3) Acquisition and Logistics Support (Kathy Saunders SEA 04RM34 Acting) METCAL Automated Information Systems (AIS) (Charles Gauch AIR 6.8) Engineering (Ron Nassar AIR 6.7 / Richard Bazemore AIR 6.7) Fleet Support (CAPT Seaton N433 / Roy Masuko N431RM)
TAMS EB Accomplishments Centralized funding under Deputy ED for METCAL program requirements Listed AIS requirements for single system in COUR. Prioritized requirements for system development from COUR and updated requirements. Established JNAC audit program with supporting directives and standards.
Current Issues Automated Information System single solution for Navy Calibration Freon Supply Shipboard Gage Calibration Program Course Rewrite Hydraulic Fluids in PPC Calibration Labeling Changes Pressure Test Chamber Calibration and Maintenance Multiple Calibration Interval use by SYSCOMs Laboratory Certification Standards – Should we transition from JNAC to ISO 17025?
R & D Program Mission We develop unique calibration solutions for our Warfighters through innovative research and development for emerging requirements. This ensures accurate. precise, reliable, and cost effective metrology support for weapons and systems.
R & D Program Objectives Develop Calibration standards not available commercially or from the other Services. Development of national calibration standards used by National Institute of Standards and Technology, and primary calibration standards used by the Navy Primary Standards Lab. Develop working level standards and improved METCAL processes.
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METCAL References References for the TMDE and Calibration programs: SECNAVINST 3960.6 (DoN Calibration Program) CNX OPNAVINST 3960.16A (DoN Calibration Program) NAVSEAINST 4734.1B (TMDE and Calibration Programs) OPNAVINST 3960.16A specifies certain metrology and calibration functions be performed by NAVSEA as the DoN Lead SYSCOM for those functions.
Relationship of Accounts LEAD SYSCOM NAVSEA Exec Dir SEA 04 RADM Hugel Commander Fleet Forces Command N43 RADM Campbell Engineering Agent NSWC Corona MS 00 Arman Hovakemian Deputy Exec Dir, SEA 04RME Denny Williams ADDU THESE LINES SUPPORT NAVY WIDE CALIBRATION COMMUNITY TAMS/GPETE (OMN/1C8C/0708017N) Calibration Stds (RDTE//0604215N/S1857) Test and Monitoring Systems (TAMS) Executive Board NAVSEA SEA 04RM Marc Borkowski NAVAIR AIR 6.7 Mary Jones USMC PM TMDE Mike Gallagher SSP SSP 20163 Eli Zacharia SPAWAR SPAWAR 04H-3 Barbara Hauenstein CLF N433 CAPT Seaton
Transition to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 “General Requirements for Competence of Testing and Calibration Labs” International Standard for Laboratory Accreditation/Certification Benefits: Current, internationally-recognized/utilized standard Navy lab certification now based on ANSI/NCSL Z540.1-1994 (cancelled in 2007) and Navy Guides Enables alignment with New NAVSEA Testing Lab Certification Rqmts (NAVSEAINST 4855.31A, May 2008) International Testing/Calibration Community Air Force/Army Calibration Programs Provides basis for centralizing Navy Calibration Program (common standard)
Transition to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Improves accuracy of Navy calibrations Statistically based calibration data and measurement results Measurement uncertainty documented Reduces measurement decision risk (better test data to Navy Program Mgrs) Risk of Not Transitioning to 17025 Technical adequacy of calibration results limited (higher risk of incorrect test decisions) Isolates Navy Cal Program from Army/AF, Industry, and International Cal Community Navy Calibration labs not compliant with NAVSEA Testing Lab rqmts (4855.31A)