Operational Auditing--Fall Accounting Business Skills “The What” Business perspective Organizational focus Bias for action Communication excellence People proficiency
Operational Auditing--Fall Financial Management Guidelines “The How” Cc KTT MBWA R ƒ R 3
Operational Auditing--Fall Human Relations Issues General people techniques Due professional care Hostile management approaches Dealing with external auditors Participative approach w/auditees
Operational Auditing--Fall General People Techniques Promote the “wanna” Foster feedback Adopt a consultative approach Use the “Will Rogers’ Approach”
Operational Auditing--Fall …Due Professional Care Be fair but don’t whitewash Avoid surprises Go for the win-win Have the guts to go to the top
Operational Auditing--Fall Hostile Management Approaches Select the right time for discussion Remain flexible in your conclusions Avoid emotion; sometimes even logic won’t work Don’t corner yourself or the other party Listen to the other party Help the other guy “to be right”
Operational Auditing--Fall Dealing with the External Auditors Different objectives Different accountability Different qualifications Different activities
Operational Auditing--Fall Cooperation Economy Efficiency Effectiveness Advantages for the external auditor Increases external auditor client insight Improves client relations Rotates emphasis Advantages for the internal auditor Improves training Source of additional work Increases professional knowledge Independent appraisal source Compliance with SAS 65 and SAS 99
Operational Auditing--Fall SAS 65 Defines roles Defines function Discusses competency & objectivity Considers nature of the work Discusses coordination Guidelines for evaluation Role of direct assistance
Operational Auditing--Fall SAS 99 Auditor’s responsibility to detect fraud
Operational Auditing--Fall Typical Int. Audit Assistance Design of control systems Reduction of risk assessment Reduction of substantive testing
Operational Auditing--Fall Create a Cooperative Bridge Coordination Risk assessment alert Control system disclosure Common sampling tools Pooled IT knowledge Different perspective Constant general communication
Operational Auditing--Fall Participative Approach Joint goals Consultation Joint authority Open discussion re: findings Open review of reports
Operational Auditing--Fall COSO Control Objectives Economy & efficiency of operations Reliable financial and operational data and reports Compliance with laws and regulations
Operational Auditing--Fall Control Objectives Reliability and integrity of info Compliance Safeguarding of assets Economical & efficient use of assets Organizational attainment of goals & objs.
Operational Auditing--Fall Types of Control Preventive Detective Corrective Directive Compensating
Operational Auditing--Fall Methods of Control Organizational Operational Personnel Review Facilities
Operational Auditing--Fall Threats to Control Management override Open access to assets Form over substance approach Conflict of interest
Operational Auditing--Fall COSO Approach to Achievement Sound control environment Sound risk assessment process Sound operational control activities Are the processes working Sound info & communications system Effective monitoring
Operational Auditing--Fall Control Environment Culture of integrity, ethics and competence Overall mgt. philosophy Proper authority & responsibility Proper organization of resources Proper training and development Senior mgt. attention & direction