The Appearance of the Sacred
Exterior of Chartres Cathedral
Chartres Cathedral, France
Patterns of Sacred Appearance Prophetic Sacramental Mystical
Prophetic pattern Prophet: speaks message on behalf of another –Often focused on social justice –In religion, might speak for God Focus on the message, given by a messenger Stress on belief, society, and morality—all centered around revelation, usually given in history
Sacramental pattern Sacred is mediated through something material and tangible –Needs a mediator, like a priest or shaman –Example: Eucharist visible sign (bread and wine) of an invisible grace (sacred presence of Christ) Stress on sacred objects and ritual as vehicles for the sacred
Mystical pattern Focus on change of consciousness to encounter the sacred –Example: Buddha’s enlightenment –Might have “other-worldly” connotations –Might focus on visions, out-of-body experiences, or extraordinary perception Stress on states of consciousness, feeling, and experience
Media of Sacred Appearance Persons Objects Time Space Focus: Architecture
How are these patterns found in different religions? All three patterns can be found in a religion –Ex: Christian focus on Bible, sacraments, and mystics But, some feature a particular pattern more prominently –Islam: Mohammed, Koran, focus on justice –Buddhism: Meditation, enlightenment –Judaism: Moses, Torah, ethical obligations –Christianity: God becomes human, worship includes sacraments
Page of an illuminated Koran
St. John’s Bible Page from Genesis 21 st century
Mosque, International Medical Center, Saudi Arabia
Buddhist mandalas of sand
Zen Center of Denver
Jewish Synagogue interior
Ukranian Catholic Church
Greek Orthodox Church
Hagia Sophia, Istanbul (former Orthodox church, now a museum)
Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia