Template Created By: Brent Strickland University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Game Developed by: Mary Kay Wardlaw, Project Education Specialist, WIN the Rockies Wellness IN the Rockies Jeopardy
Let’s Get Physical
Eat Well and Enjoy
Every BODY is Different
My Choice
My Choice Every BODY is Different Eat Well and Enjoy Let’s Get Physical
1-100 Two-wheeled type of transportation powered by the legs.
1-100A What is What is a bicycle? a bicycle?
Sport with a large net. The goal is to keep the ball from touching the ground and return it to the other side in 3 hits or less.
1-200A What is volleyball? What is volleyball?
Time during the school day when you can go outside and be active with your friends.
1-300A What is recess or lunch break? What is recess or lunch break?
1-400 This body organ pumps blood and is a muscle strengthened by physical activity.
1-400A What is the heart? What is the heart?
1-500 The average number of hours per day U.S. kids spend watching television.
1-500A What are four hours? What are four hours?
Food group in MyPlate that this food fits into.
2-100A What is the fruit group? What is the fruit group?
2-200 Food group from which we should eat half our servings from whole grains.
2-200A What is What is grains group?
2-300 Two of the five senses you use when you enjoy food.
2-300A What are sight, sound, touch, smell and taste? What are sight, sound, touch, smell and taste?
2-400 The pop you get at the movies today is this many times bigger than in the 1950’s. 12 oz. 48 oz. 1950’s today
2-400A What are four times? What are four times? (or 36-ounces (or 36-ounces more)
2-500 Round graphic from the USDA that shows food groups.
2-500A What is MyPlate? What is MyPlate?
This doll gives us an unrealistic image of a woman’s body.
3-100A What is Barbie™? What is Barbie™?
3-200 This small rodent has a long, skinny tail and big ears. It eats insects, seeds, fruits, and flowers. Also a familiar Disney character.
3-200A What is a mouse? What is a mouse?
3-300 While using this on a computer, ads can pop-up on the screen trying to sell different products.
3-300A What is the Internet or world wide web? What is the Internet or world wide web?
3-400 The primary purpose of advertising.
3-400A What is to sell a product or service? What is to sell a product or service?
3-500 One method used by magazines to alter models or their clothes so they look perfect.
3-500A What is What is computer editing computer editing computer editing taping, pinning or clipping the clothes taping, pinning or clipping the clothes taping, pinning or clipping the clothes cinching or padding the models? cinching or padding the models? cinching or padding the models?
My favorite vegetable.
4-100A What are What are carrots carrots carrots broccoli spears broccoli spears broccoli spears onions onions onions lima beans lima beans lima beans or ??? or ??? or ???
4-200 One way I can be more physically active.
4-200A What is What is skip tv and go to the park skip tv and go to the park skip tv and go to the park play an outdoor game play an outdoor game play an outdoor game walk the dog walk the dog walk the dog walk or ride my bike to school walk or ride my bike to school walk or ride my bike to school or ??? or ??? or ???
4-300 One way I can make family mealtime enjoyable.
4-300A What is What is turn off the television turn off the television turn off the television talk about fun things talk about fun things talk about fun things sit at a table together sit at a table together sit at a table together say thanks to the cook say thanks to the cook say thanks to the cook or ??? or ??? or ???
4-400 A fruit I can blend with milk to make a yummy smoothie.
4-400A What are What are strawberries strawberries strawberries bananas bananas bananas oranges oranges oranges peaches peaches peaches or ??? or ??? or ???
4-500 One thing I can do to be healthier.
4-500A What is What is skip tv to ride my bike skip tv to ride my bike skip tv to ride my bike eat when I am hungry eat when I am hungry eat when I am hungry focus on my strengths focus on my strengths focus on my strengths drink more milk drink more milk drink more milk be active during recess be active during recess be active during recess or ??? or ??? or ???
The category is Let’s Get Physical. Write down how much you want to wager.
The three activities that make up a triathlon.
What are biking, running and swimming? What are biking, running and swimming?
Daily Double Round 1 How many points do you want to wager? Daily Double!
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