Dynamically Discovering Likely Program Invariants to Support Program Evolution Michael D. Ernst, Jake Cockrell, William G. Griswold, David Notkin Presented by: Nick Rutar
Program Invariants Useful in software development Protect programmers from making errant changes Verify properties of a program Can be explicitly stated in programs Programmers can annotate code with invariants This can take time and effort Many important invariants will be missed
Daikon - Dynamic Invariant Detector Dynamic -- From Program Executions Step 1: Instrument Source Program Trace Variables of Interest Step 2: Run Instrumented Program Over Test Suite Step 3: Infer Invariants from Instrumented Variables Derived Variables
Example Program (taken from “The Science of Programming”) i = 0; s = 0; do i ≠ n i = i + 1 s = s + b[i] Precondition: n ≥ 0 Postcondition: s = ( j : 0 ≤ j < n : b[j]) Loop Invariant: 0 ≤ i ≤ n and s = ( j : 0 ≤ j < i : b[j])
Daikon results from the program (100 randomly generated input arrays of length 7-13) ENTER N = size(B) N in [7 … 13] B - All elements ≥ -100 EXIT N = I = orig(N) = size(B) B = orig(B) S = sum(B) N in [7 … 13] B - All elements ≥ -100 LOOP N = size(B) S = sum(B[0 … I -1]) N in [7 … 13] I in [0 … 13] I ≤ N B - all elements in [ ] sum(B) in [ ] B[0] nonzero in [-99.96] B[-1] in [-88.99] N != B[-1] (negative) B[0] != B[-1] (negative)
Instrumentation Insert instrumentation points Procedure Entry Procedure Exit Loop Heads Writes to a file values for All variables in scope Global Variables Procedure arguments Local Variables Procedure’s return value Available for Platforms LISP C/C++ Java (from Daikon website) Eclipe plug-in available Perl (from Daikon website)
Inferring invariants System checks for the following (x,y,z variables; a,b,c computed constants): Any variable constant or small number of values Numeric variable range (a ≤ x ≤ b) modulus & nonmodulus Multiple numbers linear relationship (such as x = ay + bz + c) functions (all those in standard lib, e.g. x = abs(y)) comparisons (x < y, x ≥ y, x == y) invariants over x + y and x -y Sequence: sortedness invariants over all elements (e.g., every element < 100) Multiple sequences subsequence & lexicographic relationship Sequence and scalar membership
Inferring invariants (continued) Each potential variant is tested When invariant doesn’t hold, not tested again Negative Invariants Relationships that are expected but don’t occur from input Probability limit decides if invariants are included Derived Variables Expressions treated same as regular variables Include: From any array: first and last elements, length From numeric array: sum, min, max From array and scalar: element at that index(a[i]), subarray up to, and subarray beyond, that index From function invocation: number of calls so far
Using Invariants Modified Siemens replace (~500 LOC) program Takes in regular expression and replacement string as input Copies input stream to output stream replacing matched strings Added input pattern + to * Use invariants for glimpse on how program runs Found occurrences where initial belief was contradicted Prevented introducing bugs based on flawed knowledge of code Found instance of unreported array bounds error
Using invariants (continued) Everything learned from “replace” could have been learned by combination of Reading the code Static Analyses Selected Program Instrumentation Invariants give benefits that other approaches do not Inferred invariants are abstraction of larger amount of data Flags raised with unexpected invariants or expected invariants not appearing Queries against database build intuition about source of invariant Inferred invariants provide basis for programmer inferences Invariants provide beneficial degree of serendipity
Results - Time Ran tests with between test inputs for replace Inferred ~71 variables per inst point in replace 6 original, 65 derived, 52 scalars, 19 sequences On average, 10 derived for every original 1000 test cases Produce 10,120 samples per instrumentation point System takes 220 seconds to infer invariants 3000 test cases 33,801 samples Processing takes 540 seconds Invariant detection time grows quadratically with the number of variables over which invariants are checked Time grows linearly with test suite size
Invariant Stability Relationship between test size suite and invariants Across test suites Identical - invariant same between two test suites Missing - invariant is present in one test suite, but not other Different - invariant is different between two test suites Interesting - Worthy of further study to determine relevance Uninteresting - Peculiarity in the data S1 in [ 0 … 98 ] (99 values) S1 >= 0 (96 values)
Invariant Type/Test Cases Identical Unary Missing Unary Diff Unary Interesting Uninteresting Identical binary Missing Binary Diff Binary Interesting Uninteresting Invariant differences(2500-element test suite)
Invariants and Program Correctness Compare invariants detected across programs Correct versions of programs have more invariants than incorrect ones Examination of 424 intro C programs from U of Washington Given # of students, amount of money, # of pizzas, calculates whether the students can afford the pizzas. Chose eight relevant invariants people – [1…50] pizzas – [1…10] pizza_price – {9,11} excess_money – [0...40] slices = 8 * pizza slices = 0 (mod 8) slices_per – {0,1,2,3} slices_left people - 1
Relationship of Grade and Goal Invariants Grade Invariants Detected
Future Work (from 2001 paper) Increasing Relevance Invariant is relevant if it assists programmer Repress invariants logically implied by others Viewing and Managing Invariants Overwhelming for a programmer to sort through Various tools for selective reporting of invariants Improving Performance Balance between invariant quality and runtime Number of Derived Variables used Richer Invariants Invariants over Pointer based data structures Computing Conditional Invariants
Resources Daikon website Contains links to Papers Source Code User Manual Developers Manual