Early years not much land use planning: lots of development planning 1880s- crown grants to promote railway Banff, Canada’s first National Park 1900s- Old Temp Tenures 50s-60s-rapid expansion of logging [technology [tree species] and policy [open up the hinterland]] 1956-referral process [DFO/MoF] 1960-Columbia R. Treaty [ Hamber ] Data: project based, not much provincial.
1970s local conflicts; weak regional system Agriculture Land Reserve Emergence of IWMPs, CRMPs, FLULC[RRMC] referral system expanded and then evolved to Coast Logging Guidelines, Folio System [habitat biologists hired] First “park” thru action of environmental groups: Purcells. Data : basic inventories; limited use [eg Forest Cover]. primitive GIS [Folio] c omputers used to analyze [MUSYC]
1980s Hot Spots South Morsby, Mearse Island, Valhalla Park Beetle epidemic Interior Logging Guidelines, habitat logging guidelines in Kootenays More local planning CAMP, LRUPs 1987-Brundlandt’s 12% Old Growth Project [PAS] FN-Delgamuukw –est. existence of rights and title.
1990s PAS merged with CORE in Kootenays Two LUPs and one ‘pilot project’, “IS” and HLP New Parks IFPAs [Invemere and Arrow] First modern day treaty [Nisga’a-[ settlement lands] ] KKTC initiated. Data: Multiple Accounts Analysis computer assisted GIS [exposed many data issues] beginning of linking models [required compatible data bases and linked modeling assumptions.]
2000s KBLUPs implementation continues Legislated “two zone” land use system for Mining Hot issues: species at risk [Caribou], access planning Market forces; SFMPs, Certification / Criteria and Indicators Planning ministry [MSRM -> MAL] KKTC in stage 4 [AIP] and working on their own LUP Data: Faster more powerful computers, linking values, models and data Corporate data versus local data structure
Timber Planning 50s-60s planning focused on sustained [timber] yield and operations [CPs] ‘67 –new TSHL- longer term -> 5 yr Development Plan. Up to 1990s harvesting ‘lived’ in a contract world. 5yr Dev Plans were approved annually 1990s- contract to legislative world [CODE] Forest Development Plan with 2 yr approval 2000s- prescriptive to results based world [FRPA] FSP with a 5 yr term, extendable to 10
Data: Licensees need to demonstrate consistency with gov’t’s objectives [multiple]: Government only approves FSP if consistent. Both need good data across several values!