Intensification of Culture Results: Results: Increased production Increased production dependence on exogenous feeds dependence on exogenous feeds 60-70% of production cost is due to feed cost 60-70% of production cost is due to feed cost
Production methods emphasizing reduced feeding I. Delayed feeding onset II. Sub-satiation feeding III. Combined delayed feeding onset + sub-satiation feeding IV. Alternate day feeding strategy
I.Delayed Feeding Onset initial feeding 45 days and 75 days after stocking of tilapia fingerlings Fingerlings supported by pond plankton
Mean weight (g) of Nile tilapia in ponds at two feeding onsets
Nile tilapia growout performance with delayed feeding onsets
Assumptions: Hired labor – P day Hired labor – P day -1 Diesel & oil – P 2, culture period -1 Electricity – P month -1 Culture period – 5 months
Partial budget analysis INCOME (SELLING FISH) 45 days P 266, days P 246, COSTS Fingerlings16, Feeds88, , Fertilizers6, , Diesel & oil2, Electricity1, Labor13, , PROFITP 138,751.00P 146,835.00
Funding for this research was provided by the Aquaculture CRSP (Collaborative Research Support Program) The Aquaculture CRSP is funded in part by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Grant No. LAG-G and by participating institutions.