Visions of Europe in the world Workshop 2 THE “CENTRE-PERIPHERY” VISION: towards a dissymmetrical Euro-Mediterranean pattern
WORLD EVIDENCES - The “North-South regions”. Share in the World population & GDP,
WORLD EVIDENCES - The “North-South regions”. Synthesis
WORLD EVIDENCES - Bilateral international trade flows ( , EU25 aggregated)
VISIONS - The vision of world division by the ESPON members (Survey)
VISIONS- Official development assistance to the neighbourhood and the EU share (members and Commission, ann. average )
VISIONS - Destination of German Foreign Direct Investment in the neighbourhood (stock, 2003)
VISIONS – Share of the neighbourhood in FDI (out stocks) France Idem, excluding intra UE15 FDI Germany Idem, excluding intra UE15 FDI Spain Idem, excluding intra UE15 FDI USA Japan
REGIONAL EVIDENCES – The center-periphery delimitation varies in the time (e.g. GDP / inhab.)
REGIONAL EVIDENCES - Egypt tourism (origins of tourists to Egypt, ann. average )
REGIONAL EVIDENCES - Demographic and markets opportunity Population in 2030 Demographic development
Territorial assets of the North-South Vision 1- A deeper Euro mediterranean integration, despite being asymmetrical (2010 free trade zone) 2- Mediterranean European territories will boost their development 3- Europe improves catching up with Asian and American counterparts (although not on the high-tech base of the Lisbon strategy)
Shortcomings of the North-South Vision 1- The relocation of the environmental burden on the southern shore of the Mediterranean is not sustainable 2- No de-pollution of the Mediterranean 3- No change in the migration mix: mainly low educated migrants toward Mediterranean Europe 4- Southern brain drain is not stopped 5- North Africa as gatekeeper against sub-Saharan African migrants
Expected impacts on EU territorial cohesion
Global cities Global gateway National capitals or other major cities Rural regions Touristic regions Old industrial regions High tech regions