Update on ASU GEON Activities J Ramon Arrowsmith GEON PI Meeting Reston, VA May 13, 2006
Simple (webservice) enhancements at the portal Projections File conversion—ascii2shp, grid2geotiff, shape2kml, raster2kml, ascii2scene and raster2scene –Ties into both GoogleEarth (kml) and GeoWall communities (fledermaus)
The GEON LiDAR Workflow: An Internet-Based Tool for the Distribution and Processing of LiDAR Point Cloud Data Christopher J. Crosby, J Ramón Arrowsmith, Jeffrey Connor, Gilead Wurman Efrat Frank, Ashraf Memon, Vishu Nandigam, Chaitan Baru
R. Haugerud, U.S.G.S D. Harding, NASA Point Cloud x, y, z n, … LiDAR Introduction Survey Process & Classify Analyze / “Do Science” Interpolate / Grid
The Vision: Utilize the cyberinfrastructure developed by GEON to offer online data distribution, interpolation to grid, and analysis of large LiDAR datasets. Utilize modular web services to complete a variety of processing and analysis tasks. Completely internet- based workflow: –Point cloud to visualization Offer users control of interpolation and analysis parameters. Conceptual GEON LiDAR Workflow
Download LViz version 1.2: Visualization of LiDAR point cloud data & interpolated surfaces FREE LViz
GLW Status Three datasets online: 1.Northern San Andreas Fault 2.West Rainier Seismic Zone 3.Eastern California Shear Zone NCALM / Mike Oskin PI Total of ~2.5 billion LiDAR returns available via GLW. ~60 registered users More data sets in the queue: Southern San Andreas Laser Scan (B4 Project) Hector Mine EQ NCALM Napa Valley Others…
Next phases of GLW-I Seamless nesting of vector and raster data emphasizing ALSM and GBL/TLS –2.5D (mostly ALSM): Integration of imagery and ALSM, more DEM analysis tools, different methods for and faster gridding –3D (mostly GBL/TLS): True 3D surfaces (triangles/NURBS) with texture mapping of imagery –Take it to the field and to the desktop: increase interactivity by format conversion and software development –Dynamic metadata, job control, monitoring ALSM = Airborne Laser Swath Mapping GBL = Ground Based Lidar TLS = Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Two tracks: –Production Continue to support and expand hosted data Develop/deploy “Lidar in a box” using GEON/Rocks tools and optimized hardware configuration to get other data providers up and running with DB2 Education—lots of geomorphology can be taught with these data at a variety of levels –R&D—develop the next set of GLW elements for both IT enhancements as well as increased usability, research product quality and diversity, and teaching. Next phases of GLW-II