Performance Analysis Pertemuan 10 Matakuliah: L0074/Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi 2 Tahun: 2008
PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Individual performance analysis Wile’s Model Group / Organization performance analysis Learning Disabilities Senge BINA NUSANTARA2
Peter M. Senge Born : 1947 in USA He received a B.S. in Aerospace engineering from Stanford University. While at Stanford, Senge also studied philosophy. He later earned an M.S. in social systems modeling from MIT in He also earned a Ph.D. from the MIT Sloan School of Management in 1978.Aerospace engineeringStanford UniversityM.S.MITMIT Sloan School of Management The based of the Fifth Discipline is from working in Ford, Chrysler, Shell, AT&T, Hannover Insurance, Harley-Davidson since the 70s and 80s through todayFordChryslerShellAT&THarley-Davidson
LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS Learning organization where people continually expand their capability to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together.
THE FIFTH DISCIPLINE 1. System Thinking 2. Personal Mastery 3. Mental Models 4. Building Shared Vision 5. Team Learning
DISCIPLINE Discipline not mean “enforced order” or “means of punishment”, but a body of theory and technique that must be studied and mastered to be put into practice. A discipline is a developmental path for acquiring certain skills or competencies.
SYSTEM THINKING System thinking conceptual framework, a body of knowledge and tools that has been developed, to make the full patterns clearer, and to help us see how to change them effectively.
PERSONAL MASTERY Mastery dominance over people or special level of proficiency. Personal mastery continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, of focusing our energies, of developing patience, and of seeing reality objectively. Start with clarifying the things that really matter to us, of living our lives in the service of our highest aspirations.
MENTAL MODELS Mental models deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures or images that influence how we understand the world and how we take action. Starts with turning the mirror inward learning to unearth our internal pictures of the world, to bring them to the surface and hold them rigorously to scrutiny.
BUILDING SHARED VISION When there is a genuine vision, people excel and learn not because told but because they want to. Starts with learning the counterproductiveness of trying to dictate a vision, no matter how heartfel.
TEAM LEARNING When teams are truly learning they not only producing extraordinary results but the individual members are growing more rapidly. Starts with “dialogue” “thinking together”
LEARNING DISABILITIES 1. I am my position 2. The enemy is out there 3. The illusion of taking charge 4. The fixation on events 5. The parable of the boiled frog 6. The delusion of Learning from experience 7. The myth of the management team
The laws of the fifth discipline 1. Today’s problems come from yesterday’s “solutions” 2. The harder you push, the harder the system pushes back 3. Behavior grows better before it grows worse. 4. The easy way out usually leads back in. 5. The cure can be worse than the disease. 6. Faster is slower
7. Cause and effect are not closely related in time and space. 8. Small changes can produce big results – but the areas of highest leverage are often the least obvious. 9. You can have your cake and eat it too – but not at once. 10. Dividing an elephant in half does not produce two small elephants. 11. There is no blame.