MICE Wrap-up Michael S. Zisman Center for Beam Physics Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory MICE Collaboration Meeting—CERN February 25, 2007
Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman2 Outline Introduction Meeting Goals Items from Technical Board Beam Line Issues Cooling Channel Issues Detector Issues Simulation Issues Controls/DAQ Issues Commissioning Issues Uncertainties Final Remarks
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman3 Introduction (1) Progress continues —spectrometer solenoid fabrication well under way o first magnet hopefully by end of August 2007 —RF power source refurbishment moving forward at Daresbury o 300 kW amplifier to be completed in June —H2 R&D system ready for tender —Phase II MICE proposal expecting funding news soon Spectrometer solenoid coil form Spectrometer solenoid coil winder
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman4 Introduction (2) —target successfully tested in ISIS o still issues with speed of controls MICE target at ISIS Initial measurements at ISIS
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman5 Introduction (3) —work on beam line components is well along o need main installation done by August PSI solenoid at RAL Beam line quadrupole refurbishment
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman6 Introduction (4) Plans for upcoming MICE meetings —June 13-16, 2007 at RAL —October 7-10, 2007 at RAL —in future, plan two meetings per year at RAL, one elsewhere o try to avoid concatenating with another meeting IDS will be launched (March 29-30, 2007 at CERN) —ISS report preparation still under way (I have delayed this) o summary will be presented at CERN IDS meeting
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman7 Introduction (5) Got favorable comments from Marx HEPAP subpanel “We support the MICE project as a critical feasibility demonstration for muon storage rings and colliders.” “...we are concerned that the support for muon cooling is below what is needed to sustain momentum in this program.” Need to translate this recommendation into action —expecting DOE to work on this for FY08 —need to convey broad program, not just measuring one matrix element Interest in Muon Colliders increasing in U.S. —at Fermilab —at DOE
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman8 Goals for Meeting (1) General —issues o preparation for Phase 1: getting the hardware built and running o organizing the collaboration for running the experiment –shift leaders, system “experts”, operations manual Beam line —issues o components –status of PSI solenoid repair; fabrication of required components (magnets, stands) o optics design (this is lagging!) –complete for all needed emittance/momentum values; define tuning/correction schemes, including collimators and control algorithms; finalize diffuser params (size, thicknesses, mechanism) –resolve Turtle vs. G4BL discrepancy
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman9 Goals for Meeting (2) DAQ and controls —issues o finalize monitoring plan Analysis —issues o complete initial run plan (very important!) o finalize Fe shield hole sizes –this has dragged on Software —issues o prepare for MICE data challenge (in progress) o and MICE data –prepare plan for data analysis (must be expeditious!)
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman10 Goals for Meeting (3) Detectors —issues o how do we get calorimeter built? LH 2 R&D and infrastructure —issues o get the R&D under way! –aim for running full system by CM18 (June 2007) o probably need test of Cryomech cooler, including H 2 liquefaction –who does it? RAL/Cockcroft; KEK; Cryomech; Wang NMR are possibilities –who pays? ( $10K)
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman11 Items from Technical Board (1) Target —schedule is very tight o need to fully integrate new 100 A power supply –thermal issue (could run at <1 Hz) o need to use faster processor to avoid losing control of target –this could be a big deal put control electronics in accessible location test at Sheffield ASAP –review planned at Daresbury Lab, March 9, 2007 Beam line —magnet refurbishment under way, but late o need some new coils –charred coils; water leaks (reuse is risky!) —schedule for stands is tight for installation o orders placed now; need to monitor
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman12 Items from Technical Board (2) LH 2 R&D system —specification ready for final Tech Board approval —drawings ready to go out for tender AFC module —specify power supply identical to those proposed for spectrometer solenoid o LBNL ready to purchase first set soon —recommend that Cryomech cooler be explicitly specified o compatible with other purchased coolers o avoids Fe shielding that may affect external sensor measurements
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman13 Beam Line Issues (1) Define tolerances (alignment, field strength, field quality) for all elements —optics and engineering work need to be assessed o both are behind schedule now —tolerances for PSI solenoid should be in range of mm o hard to do fine adjustments after installation, but should be okay Magnetic measurements are needed for quads, bends —can Diamond system be used? Schedule is VERY tight —PSI solenoid installation has no float —support stands coming at last minute —TOF0 and CKOV must be installed behind shield o no easy access after October 1, 2007
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman14 Beam Line Issues (2) Need “heavy gang” to install Fe shielding —becoming critical if not started soon Stay clear diam. for diffuser mechanism revisited —concept for two-piece diffuser looks satisfactory but complicated o need realistic test of reliability; assess quench forces —agreed on new baseline size of 300 mm diameter for fixed section, 254 mm for movable section —need indicator to verify which diffuser is in Decide how many diffuser thicknesses are required —run plan should answer this (baseline is 5) —identify physicist to represent use and control of diffuser Investigate how well we can do BBA with triplet focusing
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman15 Beam Line Issues (3) Amount of material in beam line may be too large to achieve low emittance values —use helium bags? —modify optics at TOF0?
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman16 Cooling Channel Issues (1) Magnets —finalize and release AFC specification o cryocooler type should be specified by us! o AFC should use same power supply as other magnets (order together?) —develop operational procedures for all devices o spectrometer solenoids, focus coils, coupling coils –protection of HTS leads in event of power failure requires thermal “ballast” and power supply switching not a likely event at RAL, but has big consequences —need final plan for magnetic mapping with field sensors o some sensors will need to be inside magnet aperture; some outside –shielded cryocoolers may compromise external sensors –should test radiation tolerance at MTA o need to finalize number of sensors (incl. spares) and calibrate them –expect 4 per coil x 18 coils = 72 + a few spares o NIKEF should send someone to FNAL for initial measurements
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman17 Cooling Channel Issues (2) Magnets (cont’d) —review engineering design of CC before starting construction o stresses appear high and will require some redesign o plan design review in May 2007 —revisit spectrometer solenoid power supply spec (50 60 A?)
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman18 Cooling Channel Issues (3) RF —define method to measure voltage at 1% level o may require beam-based measurements to achieve this —define LLRF requirements o started at this meeting —send representative of RAL/DL to CERN to observe power source refurbishing o Vretenar promises Swiss chocolate if they reach more than 2.7 MW Vacuum —present concept couples buffer volumes from all three absorbers o different than what we presented to safety reviews o must be separate from all other vacuum systems —changed pumping port aperture after the fact...not a big deal but o must be more careful —plan to accommodate both O-ring and wire seals for modules
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman19 Detector Issues (1) Understand 201 MHz RF backgrounds —MTA tests with Coupling Coil will tell us which regime we’ll be in o still stalled on this one! –pursuing CC fabrication in two ways NSF MRI...again (Don Summers) ICST Harbin —is background in TOF systems an issue? Decision on shield hole sizes now made —thanks to Ghislain Gregoire, Marco Apollonio and Rikard Sandström o TOF1 shield (upstream and downstream) apertures are 420 mm o upstream TOF2 shield aperture is 600 mm diameter o downstream TOF2 shield aperture is 700 mm diameter –desire to move TOF2 shield closer to cryostat; must check SW calorimeter is designed but not funded
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman20 Detector Issues (2) CKOV —need to order aerogel ASAP o ship to RAL? (VAT issue); ship to CERN?; or assemble at U-Miss —need stand o can RAL build? —may need to re-anneal phototube bases in hydrogen furnace o must identify place to do this —follow up on checkout of Trieste phototubes TOF —concern re positional reproducibility of TOF if move to repair (1 cm = 50 ps) o make second shield removable? o use local shielding instead of shield plate?
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman21 Detector Issues (3) Tracker —still need to decide on tracker pitch o design permits this to be done at the last minute —need to test Station 5 with cosmic rays —cooling with Sumitomo cryocoolers will be marginal at 50 Hz o converting from 50 60 Hz for compressors is very expensive o investigate whether can run compressor at 50 Hz, and head at 60 Hz –Ishimoto will be asked to explore possibility —impressive QA/QC effort in place All must continue to pay full attention to QA/QC
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman22 Simulation/Analysis Issues Issue of need for rematching optics for off-momentum particles was raised —need to figure out whether this is really needed Need for “pencil beam” —does this need to be done with collimators or can it be done in software via fiber optics beam profile monitors Need to develop and test analysis software —organize MICE data challenge —understand sensitivity of results to models (mult. scat., dE/dx) —need to join MICE-VO —short of volunteers to analyze data
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman23 Controls/DAQ Issues Finalize data acquisition plan —do we need more trigger flexibility for startup? Decide on database —beware of “free” software Graulich has declared the DAQ to be “Professor-proof” —such a bold statement deserves being put to the test! Front-end electronics for PID ready to order —plan to install DAQ in June o May would be even better, if possible
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman24 Commissioning Issues Define how we organize ourselves (EB to do this!) —MICE liaison (run coordinator) —shift leaders —shift members —subsystem experts —procedures for dealing with (inevitable) problems Common funds will be due at RAL in October, 2007 Need to explore visa and housing issues as long-term visits become more commonplace —contact is Susan Ketels Recall that WE are responsible for training our people —and being able to verify that they are trained —see to get started
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman25 Uncertainties What is status of UK Phase 2 bid? —reviewers recommended funding at 90% of £8M request Can we get funds for Ishimoto’s absorber work? —Japan group has major proposal in that would cover this Can we get first CC in time to learn from R&D program? —when will we get final approval for MICE CC fabrication in China? o Blondel and MZ may go to China to talk with DST representatives —Step 5 (September ’09) could be delayed if R&D not done Do we have the “person-power” to cover experimental shifts? —and analyze the data in a timely way (“exploitation” phase)
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman26 Final Remarks We continue to make progress —the rush to get everything built and installed has begun o we must stay disciplined —good news: INFN MICE effort now part of New Technology of Acceleration effort Continue to be vigilant about opportunities to publicize MICE MICE management continues to be grateful for the hard work of the collaboration Now 219 days to target date for Stage 1 —beam line starts even earlier!
February 25, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman27 Kudos Thanks to Jean-Sébastien Graulich (CM17 organizer) —very well organized meeting in all aspects Good luck to the two (thus far) candidates for Spokesperson —Alain Blondel, Ken Long See you at RAL