Work Based Learning Student achievments
Dee Getting a degree
Had 240 credits (level 1-2) (registered nurse) Had accumulated 20 credit modules at level 3 from 2 universities Wanted a degree but her level 3 profile was muddled Dee
20 credit EWBL module at level 3 - work project as evidence Learning contract during the process she revealed she really wished she could publish in a journal We combined her work with her desire to publish
Dee’s portfolio contained Learning contract Learning disabilities awareness teaching pack 1750 word draft article for publication on the development, implementation and evaluation of her training 750 word reflection on her learning journey
Caring for inpatients with learning disabilities - Published 15 August, 2011 An education programme raised hospital employees’ awareness of the needs of people with learning disabilities when they are admitted to hospital
Enjoyed EWBL Achieved a personal goal (publishing) Has mapped her previous study into the Shell Framework and is doing another EWBL project to complete and get her degree
Dee’s boss Is supporting other staff to take 100 credits of EWBL with all projects linked to service development/evaluation Has supported his staff to map into the Shell Framework so successful completion of their EWBL projects will ensure they all achieve an Award (mix of level 1 and 3)