Explorations around LabSpace: From OER content to OER community? and eLearning Community.


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Presentation transcript:

Explorations around LabSpace: From OER content to OER community? and eLearning Community

Programme 2OER and Sustainability (Pegler)13/5/10 10:00 Welcome, coffee & refreshments, registration 10:10 OpenLearn developments: from content to communities Andy Lane Beyond LearningSpace: Sector-wide OER and SCORE Chris Pegler Introducing JorumOpen Nicola Siminson (Jorum) Break (15 mins) POCKET and its use of LabSpace Tina Wilson From Brighton to Brazil Nigel Gibson and Andreia Santos Lunch and networking (45 mins) LabSpace technical development: what now, what next? Jenny Gray Developing multiple outputs from OpenLearn OER Gerald Schmidt Plenary and feeding back Everyone Tea/Coffee and depart – LabSpace explorers (ILU), Nigel Gibson and others

Sue Milne (Birmingham) has brought along the FETLAR Virtual Appliance Demonstration – she’s happy to give a demo MathAssess project (2008/9) took existing QTI toolkits and developed them, making new tools available as Open Source. This was enhanced as part of the FETLAR HEA OER programme. Now available for use in real-life teaching and learning, alongside collected OER for Mathematics in the FETLAR Virtual Appliance. The tools are suitable for creating QTI questions in any discipline, and provide additional facilities essential to any subject involving numeracy or mathematics, ranging from science and engineering, to nursing, social sciences and business studies. See for more information. 13/5/10OER and Sustainability (Pegler)3 BONUS FEATURE

Beyond LearningSpace? Sector-wide OER activity and SCORE Chris Pegler

Learning in an Open World, MK June 2010 What is SCORE anyhow? Increase sector capacity for effective OER creation/use. Moving from a supply- led approach to reflect institutional/student needs. ‘ Its not just about the giveaway its about the take.'

Beyond LearningSpace? Eddison’s Laboratory by Stacina, at If LearningSpace is a showcase for the OU, then LabSpace is a workshop. LabSpace is a great creative, collaborative space for play, experiment and shared use.

Learning in an Open World, MK June 2010 A slight makeover... LabSpace: Familiar space with new face Research is now found in OLnet (olnet.org)olnet.org Play becomes IndieSpace Collaborations to ProjectSpace SectorSpace is for significant institutional and sector-wide sharing Hope is to attract and allow greater freedom for external projects

(Familiar) tools to try...

OER ‘out there’: Part One HEA/JISC funded 29 projects at individual, institutional and subject centre consortium level, across many disciplines Produced tools, content, policies, practice, research, examples – diverse examples 360 hours content required from each project (yes, over 10,000 hours in total) to be deposited into Jorum... and elsewhere (incl. LabSpace) Find out more at

OER ‘out there’: Part Two Phase 2 funding (£4m), starting 31 st August Focus on specific outcomes, e.g.: A (i) OER release meeting sector needs A (iii) Cascade support in OER release C (i) Collections of OER based around a thematic area HEA strand based on academic practice change Many ‘pilot’ projects applying for cascade funding, working with less experienced projects

Differing OER ‘origins’ OER can range from study units, to assets OU writes content knowing others will teach it. Educators elsewhere may write notes to self Presentations, PDF, podcasts = popular formats OER can be blended for on-campus presentation – do not need to stand alone OU material will have rights already documented Greater variety of format, design and quality OER supply freeing up, reuse remains elusive.

Exercise machines, Tokyo, by Robert Douglas, What LabSpace can offer Somewhere to test and hone OER? Experiment and try new things? Do things you’ve never done before? Build up and remodel? Bodybuilding by David!, at

What we can expect... Even more OER – a huge array KPIs which reward and encourage sharing of content. (See Leeds Met Unicycle example) Discipline diversity in attitudes to sharing and control in OER (see OOER MEDEV example) Institutional policies recognising impact of OER Impact on academic practice, and possibly on National Teaching Fellowship criteria Emphasis on (re)use as well as supply – sharing needs to move beyond intent

Fellowships: varieties of 36 SCORE funded fellowships over 3 years – find out more at We already have fellows from OU, Kingston, Kings and Exeter with others starting soon Short course fellowships, residential at OU, to support individual and group activity using LabSpace to publish OER, if interested We are on the look out for fellowship ‘mentors’ – volunteers welcome.

Rest of the programme New things that you can do in LabSpace Things that have already happened in LabSpace Hands on with LabSpace – questions answered, advice on getting started. Things that you can do with/to JorumOpen Opportunity to feed back on LabSpace

Questions... On my part of the programme please