Welcome to LT1H02N Studying Service Sector Management
Staff Contact Details Module Leader: Charles Little SH 404 Office Hours:Tuesday 10:00-12:00
Lecture Aims u To provide an overview of the module content. u To inform students of the academic requirements of the module.
Learning Outcomes u You will be aware of the organisation and structure of the module. u You will be familiar with the teaching and assessment strategies to be employed on this module.
What’s It About? u To assist and ease your transition into higher education u To help you to develop the confidence and skills necessary for success in higher education u To encourage students to reflect on their overall personal and professional development
Module Aims u De-mystify the jargon of Higher Education, and prepare students for working in an academic setting u Provide a specific, subject focussed introduction to the learning strategies students will need to successfully study service sector management and related subjects at Intermediate and Advanced level, through the development of a professional and personal reflective portfolio, customised to the individual.(A1)
Module Aims (cont) u Introduce students to researching subject material from a wide variety of sources, to critically evaluate and apply their research creatively in an appropriate marketing setting.(A3)
Module Outcomes 1. Understand how to build upon their previous learning and develop strategies for individual success at Intermediate and Advanced level study in marketing and related subjects (A1) 2. Demonstrate their ability to work in a group with other students, using written, oral and interpersonal skills (A1)
Outcomes (cont.) 3. Use evidence from a range of sources and critically use information gathered to solve problems creatively within an appropriate ethical framework (A3)
Teaching Methodology u 1 hour lecture each week (weeks 1-8) u 2 hour seminar each week (weeks 1-11) u Ongoing online support
Assessment This module will be assessed by the following means: u Group presentation and report (30%) (due Weeks 6 and 13) u Individual Reflective Portfolio (70%) (due Week 13)
Presentation This exercise is based around producing a marketing plan for a piece of merchandise based on a specific piece of art. You mark will be generated by: u a group presentation (10%) u an individual written report (20%)
Presentation (cont) Details of getting started on this assignment can be found at: u learning.unl.ac.uk/bssmquickstart learning.unl.ac.uk/bssmquickstart Presentations will be in week 6 Report due in week 13
Portfolio There are two components of the portfolio u 13 tasks which must be undertaken u a reflective essay Your grade will be based solely on the essay, but all the tasks must be completed to pass the module.
Portfolio (cont) The required tasks are laid out in the module booklet (p. 3, 9). The module guide also introduces the concept of ‘reflection’, which will also be covered in depth in lecture 8.
HE – a brief overview u What is a lecture? u What is a seminar? u What is self-directed learning? u What does being a full-time student mean?
What is a Lecture? Key characteristics of lectures: u large groups u teacher-led u aim to provide you with the key information about a topic u lectures are only ever intended to be an introduction to a topic
What is a Seminar? Key characteristics of seminars: u small groups u student-driven u interactive You need to prepare for a seminar to gain any benefit from it!
Self-Directed Learning University study is not just confined to formally timetabled classes. The most important learning will be that which you undertake outside of this time, incl: u reading u internet-directed learning u Doing assessments u study groups
Full-time Study Being a full-time student requires a full-time commitment! It is expected that students will devote hours per week to study.
Any Other Questions Do you have any other questions about university and / or what is expected of you? You can ask any of the following people: lecturers seminar tutors Undergraduate Centre
What do I need to do over the next week? u Attend your seminar u Download and complete the weekly time management sheet. u Bring a set of lecture notes to next week’s seminar u Begin work on your ‘Tate Modern’ project