Section 10: Application Healthcare Location, tracking and monitoring of patients and assets in the new Hospital La Fe in Valencia, Spain Serafin Arroyo José Blasco May 2011
INTRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS TECHNOLOGY PROPOSAL How it works? Functionalities TSB-SPHERAhospital at New Hospital La Fe, Valencia Contents 2
About us 3 Founded in January 2008 as spin-off from ITACA Institute (Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain) Development, licensing and marketing of solutions and products for e-health, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and Ambient Intelligence (AMI) 15 years of experience are the background of our company, researching and developing projects, solutions and services based on information technologies and communication for the health and wellbeing areas. Company Institute INTRODUCTION
State of the art 4 Location technologies have been improved and become popular during last years Outdoor technologies such as GPS (Global Positioning System) or LBS (Location Based Service) consolidated in our day to day life. Indoor technologies still a huge discussion, and it seems very dependant of application associated The possibility of always knowing where your patients are provides a tremendous opportunity to the hospital to improve patient’s safety and clinical effectiveness. INTRODUCTION
5 What is required at Health Facilities? Information about Location of patients and assets Room level approach Area level approach Real time access to information Centralized system Available for medical and administrative staff On real time, everywhere Secure identification Automatic security Proximity identification Tracking and analytics Record the patient’s habitual movements Areas and rooms Define alerts REQUIREMENTS EMERGENCY HOSPITAL ENTRANCE visitors ENTRANCE: tests MAIN ENTRANCE ADMINISTRATION TECHNICAL BUILDING R&D and LABORATORIES DOCTOR´S OFFICES
6 ZigBee based solution: Overview, components and functionalities
7 TECHNOLOGY PROPOSAL Cost/effective solution which fulfills the room level accuracy requirement Minimize the size and weight of tags patient Long battery life, avoiding recharges and replacement processes in the day to day work. Scalable network: Location, identification and tracking Network sensors Health Ambient Assisted Living Coexistence with other wireless technologies and medical devices TECHNOLOGY
Bracelets 8 Location Agent(LAG) Network (RF and/ or ethernet to transmit from bracelets back to the server Server Network coordinator, location engine and functionalities Mobile beacons Access point mobile to the system everywhere and everytime Wear by patients and assets, transmit periodic ZigBee frames How it works Components
Communications ZigBee Mesh network: Wristbands and mobile devices (End devices) RF Primary LAGs (Routers) RF Secondary LAGs (“Gateways”) RF - Ethernet Server – (Coordinator) Ethernet 9 How it works
ZigBee aspects ZigBee 2007 Migrating to ZigBee-PRO Network scalability (stochastic address assignment) Mobility Higher security level (clinical data security and privacy) Profiles Manufacturer Specific Profile testing (MSP) as first approach Health care profile possibilities Adding location attributes to be merged to the profile Compatible with location algorithm requirements Continua Health Alliance support 10 How it works
11 Gateways Location network LAN Coordinator End- Device End- Devices Routers Centralized location engine Mobile Identification How it works
Clinical Security 12 Through the nearest reading of the bracelets In specific areas with continuous real time information Integrated at nurse trolleys for every process FUNCTIONALITIES Identification
Location and tracking Security Assets Patients Combined right Place Time ID Real time access 13 Traceability Patient’s movements and assets Recorded and shown in statistics such as length of time spent in one place, length of time needed for going from one room to another etc… Usage of areas and rooms, load and flow or patients, etc. FUNCTIONALITIES
14 All the ZigBee information received at central system: easy to use, flexible configuration, real time. FUNCTIONALITIES
15 Mobility: new development for clinical security and process optimization ZigBee USB LAGs connected to trolley. Secure and automatic identification via ZigBee End Device Easy and secure way to day to day work and processes. FUNCTIONALITIES
16 Integrated with HIS Web technology, everywhere and any time Mobility at 82 nurse trolleys fixed LAGs TSB-SPHERAhospital chosen to provide location, tracking and monitoring of patients and assets in the new Hospital La Fe in Valencia, Spain. Locate patients and assets on real time New Hospital La Fe in Valencia: a reality “Guarantees the clinical security of patients, optimizes daily work and facilitates the entire hospital management.” // square meters hospitalization beds in individual rooms. 39 operating rooms, 1100 operations per day
MANY THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION Serafin Arroyo José Blasco Ronda Auguste y Louis Lumiere 23, Nave 13 Parque Tecnológico de Valencia · Paterna, Valencia · Spain Tel: Fax: